Tuesday 25th November 2008 10:28pm
35,981 posts
Quote: Aaron @ November 1 2008, 2:17 PM BST
David, do you actually read threads at all before making a contribution? The whole reason BF and RW were raised is that zooo's place of work is in a chain with its own radio station!
And it was stated only two posts before yours as well!
If it was on a previous page then No!
There's just too much going on here now - as is evident by the time it's taken for me to reply - and I do have - or am trying to have - a bit of a life!
Quote: zooo @ November 1 2008, 1:20 PM BST
They play them at work, (our bakery is in a chain and they have their own official radio station) but they play really cool old motown Christmas stuff and Dean Martin. So it doesn't get annoying.
I love hearing Slade and stuff in other shops though. But I don't know if I could cope with it 24/7.
If it's Gregg's you work for can you bring some of their sausage rolls down on Saturday? I love them.