British Comedy Guide

Britain's Got a New PM

Gordon Brown is the new Prime Minister of Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Engaland. What's everyone think?

As long as its not a Tory then good. Seriously though if he does what he says hes going to do e.g. make the NHS independant then i thinks its good. Dunno what hes going to do about Iraq but there are no good options, I would pull our troops out though.

I'm not going to pretend I know anything about politics or care.

So I'll say, meh.

Quote: ajp29 @ June 28, 2007, 4:48 PM

As long as its not a Tory then good.

Oh behave... as if it makes a blind bit of difference. ;)

Can we have Boris next please?

Quote: ajp29 @ June 28, 2007, 4:48 PM

As long as its not a Tory then good.

Seeing as Labour steal pretty much every Conservative policy, principle and view, that statement is a bit redundant!

Anyway. I think this is really too much of a controversial topic for this board, after recent events.

Quote: zooo @ June 28, 2007, 5:55 PM

Can we have Boris next please?

Or Alan Duncan. But preferably Boris.

Quote: Aaron @ June 28, 2007, 5:58 PM

Anyway. I think this is really too much of a controversial topic for this board, after recent events.

WHAT!? How dare you imply such a thing...?



Erm all I will say then is that behind a Tory government you have Tory MPs, behind a New Labour government you have Labour MPs. Tis all :)

Maybe Boris could defect!

I just want a likeable PM, with charisma and a sense of humour, that I could sort of feel a bit proud of.
Imagine how funny Boris would be, bumbling off around the world representing us. *happy sigh*

Oh gad... no! It would be much better to have someone very boring... who didn't start major wars etc. but just kept things ticking along...

white with no sugar and stirred twenty five times clock wise (a touch of OCD) served with a peice of baternburg and a lovely glossy mag... that'll be £1.50 please...are thanks waiter person..right the prime minister erm...erm,,, yeah i guess. we have

Quote: Darren Goldsmith @ June 28, 2007, 6:08 PM

Oh gad... no! It would be much better to have someone very boring... who didn't start major wars etc. but just kept things ticking along...

Is we had Boris we would be at war with Liverpool within a week

Quote: ajp29 @ June 28, 2007, 6:03 PM

Erm all I will say then is that behind a Tory government you have Tory MPS, behind a New Labour government you have Labour MPS. Tis all :)

So Tory all the way then. :)

Quote: zooo @ June 28, 2007, 6:04 PM

Maybe Boris could defect!

Yeah, but then we'd have to kill him. The whole point of Boris is that he's not only hilarious, but honest. And that would be anything but.

Quote: ajp29 @ June 28, 2007, 6:09 PM

Is we had Boris we would be at war with Liverpool within a week

You say that as if it's a bad thing. ;)

As the saying goes (and I mentioned before)....

In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king!

A slightly larger twat than the last one.

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