Friday 21st November 2008 11:40pm [Edited]
North London
6,162 posts
Years ago when I was providing computer support for Alomo Ltd (the production company of Marks & Gran at that time) I created a template system for Microsoft Word. These teplates produced Sitcom Format and Film Format and a few others. I used to give away these templates free.
The advantage of a template system is that all the paragraph styles are pre-set to the formats needed by the relevant type of script and simple keystrokes set the appropriate style of each part of the script, viz, Slugline, Stage Directions, Name and dialog etc.
Years later a bloke called Matt Carless, who was associated with the BBC Writers Room, created a different template system called Scriptsmart. This was made available free on the BBC website. It produced various formats, which you can sse descriptions of at:
When it became necessary to upgrade my templates to suit the re-write of Microsoft Word for Word 97, 2002 and 2003, I used those descriptions by Matt Carless to produce the revised templates which are now called The Scriptwiters Toolkit. Regretably since I am self-supporting, not having a handy BBC job to live on, I have to make a small admin charge for the Toolkit.
In my opinion, my Toolkit is superior to the Scriptsmart system by Matt Carless, which ie still available free on the BBC website, but is not supported in any way as Matt has left that job at the BBC and may have left the BBC.
It is said that Scriptsmart works with MS Word on the Apple Mac, though I am not sure which versions & which operating systems. It does work on Windows XP with Word 97 through 2003, I do not know it it works satisfactorily with Word 2007.
My Toolkit does not work on an Apple Mac it works on MS Windows XP and Vista with MS Word 97, through Word 2003, but does not work fully (satisfactorily?) on Word 2007.
If I ever get around to upgrading the Toolkit yet again, I will probably re-write the programming to work with Open Office Writer instead of MS Word.