British Comedy Guide

You're a writer? Really? Page 2

To be fair to the "people" if you don't make money doing it (and aren't already rich) then it's just a hobby you want to turn into a profession and have, statistically, little hope of ever doing so.

You can't blame them for being puzzled.....if people said to me what do you do, you're a financial consultant aren't you? and i said....well, not really...i'm actually a parrot breeder, right now i've only got one but he's horny as hell i've a budgie on order and i'm on this forum.........

The only people i tell that i write are other finacial consultants......doing "art" for little money is like telling the KKK that you think Beyonce is pretty hot.

Should add...those like Griff who are starting to rock the dream are have to just own up :D

Quote: Pete @ November 21 2008, 2:47 PM GMT

To be fair to the "people" if you don't make money doing it (and aren't already rich) then it's just a hobby you want to turn into a profession and have, statistically, little hope of ever doing so.

You can't blame them for being puzzled.....if people said to me what do you do, you're a financial consultant aren't you? and i said....well, not really...i'm actually a parrot breeder, right now i've only got one but he's horny as hell i've a budgie on order and i'm on this forum.........

The only people i tell that i write are other finacial consultants......doing "art" for little money is like telling the KKK that you think Beyonce is pretty hot.

Should add...those like Griff who are starting to rock the dream are have to just own up :D

Profession or hobby, people always react in odd ways.

Quote: Pete @ November 21 2008, 2:47 PM GMT

To be fair to the "people" if you don't make money doing it (and aren't already rich) then it's just a hobby you want to turn into a profession and have, statistically, little hope of ever doing so.

You can't blame them for being puzzled.....if people said to me what do you do, you're a financial consultant aren't you? and i said....well, not really...i'm actually a parrot breeder, right now i've only got one but he's horny as hell i've a budgie on order and i'm on this forum.........

The only people i tell that i write are other finacial consultants......doing "art" for little money is like telling the KKK that you think Beyonce is pretty hot.

Should add...those like Griff who are starting to rock the dream are have to just own up :D

I'm a bit lost. It's okay to say you're a writer if you're already rich, even though it's not a source of income? Is that the measure of it?

Quote: David Bussell @ November 21 2008, 2:01 PM GMT

They ask what it pays. Then I tell them I don't get paid. Then they ask what I really do. Then I am sad.

Made me proper laugh out loud because it's in the "funny because it's true" section. Dam.

Imagine if you wrote some crap like Eastenders or Two Pints. Then if people asked what I did for a living, I'd have to lie & say I'm a dustman.

Quote: Mike Dan-Carter @ November 21 2008, 2:34 PM GMT

Someone asked me once 'What do you do?' I said I work in admin at the moment, but am hoping to get a few scripts off the ground. He then asked 'What sort of stuff do you write?' I said 'Comedy', I then got the look as if to say 'Comedy, you......really??'. Therefore apart from close friends and family, people think I'm the most un-ambitious man in the world.

If you want to get your script off the ground you should probably go for a pilot.

Quote: Pete @ November 21 2008, 2:47 PM GMT

...doing "art" for little money is like telling the KKK that you think Beyonce is pretty hot...

Beyonce is proper hot, def in my top ten fantasy tugs list. Ok it's a top 100.

Quote: Griff @ November 21 2008, 2:56 PM GMT

I don't want to laugh because it just encourages you, but :D

I'm man enough to admit it took me three reads to spot that.

Quote: Thomas McCleod Irvine @ November 21 2008, 2:54 PM GMT

Beyonce is proper hot, def in my top ten fantasy tugs list. Ok it's a top 100.

Get the FHM desktop calendar and then its a Top 365.

I feel I've shared too much.

Quote: Pete @ November 21 2008, 2:47 PM GMT

To be fair to the "people" if you don't make money doing it (and aren't already rich) then it's just a hobby you want to turn into a profession and have, statistically, little hope of ever doing so.

You can't blame them for being puzzled.....if people said to me what do you do, you're a financial consultant aren't you? and i said....well, not really...i'm actually a parrot breeder, right now i've only got one but he's horny as hell i've a budgie on order and i'm on this forum.........

The only people i tell that i write are other finacial consultants......doing "art" for little money is like telling the KKK that you think Beyonce is pretty hot.

Thanks for that.

Quote: Griff @ November 21 2008, 2:56 PM GMT

I don't want to laugh because it just encourages you, but :D

Whistling nnocently

Quote: Seefacts @ November 21 2008, 2:56 PM GMT

I'm man enough to admit it took me three reads to spot that.

It took both of you mentioning it to make me realise. Which makes you both better men than me.

Mind you this made me chuckle.

Quote: Seefacts @ November 21 2008, 2:56 PM GMT

I'm man enough to admit it took me three reads to spot that.

Just assume all Marc's posts are an excuse for a pun like I do.

Quote: David Bussell @ November 21 2008, 2:51 PM GMT

I'm a bit lost. It's okay to say you're a writer if you're already rich, even though it's not a source of income? Is that the measure of it?

for normal people yes.....if i dont need to work i can tell someone i talk to plants all day, i'm wacky.....if i need income and do that i'm a nut.

i'm not saying right/wrong...just normal perception......and dont dispute it with loads here embarrassed to admit what they love doing!

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