Went to see him last night - I have to admit I was really looking forward to it.
He steals the show on MtW everytime, and he's always got some really funny lines. but I have to say he's a very average performer with only a small bank of material, most of which he'd done on the telly many times. At one point he just went through lines that got cut from MtW, and just told them on stage.
He's got some great lines, but a lot of his stuff just targets standard 'offensive' stuff - paedos, Maddy McCann etc.
He had no stage presence and wasn't able to really ad-lib.
He also came across as a bit obnoxious, and it's a fine line between playing a character, and turning into Jim Davidson. He kept calling everyone 'motherf**ker' too, which started to grate. Okay, yeah it's probably an ace but 75 mins of constant arseholery with jokes that all followed the same pattern left me wanting something a bit different.
That said, he does have a great way with words - to mean when he picks a brand name, or an object, he always gets it right. On scientists doing useless experiments when they could be curing cancer - "No, I'm going to find out how many Fruit Pastilles it takes to choke a kestral".
He also did no oncore. Apparently he only does them occasionally - and he actually waits and decides if he's going to do one, not like most comics where it's written into their contracts. I suppose for that you can give him credit, but 2 encores in over 100 shoes isn't great.
Overall, a touch disappointed. What you see on MtW is basically the sum of his live act, just even more near the knuckle. Like many TV comics now, he just uses up all his stuff on the box, leaving no surprises in his live act.
So - lots of good gags, but his live show is nothing new. Catch it on DVD, but I wouldn't go out of my way to see him live.