Quote: Leevil @ July 2, 2007, 11:09 PM-CLOSED- -CLOSED- -CLOSED- -CLOSED- -CLOSED- -CLOSED- -CLOSED- -CLOSED-
No Entries Beyond This Point! "Oohh Errr!"
Post the name of your favourite entrant in this thread.
One Vote Per Person.
Don't Vote For Yourself.
Voting Ends: Wednesday 4th July Whenever I can be bothered!
Good luck.
Welcome, welcome. I return as your host after my mental brake down and that thing, you know it was in all the papers
Anyway, lets get on with this weeks comp and this weeks winner.
This winner is: Jude! Well done!! (P.M Your chosen topic by 2/7/07)
Points - Name
04 - Jude
02 - Leevil
02 - Michael Monkhouse
01 - Charley
01 - David Chapman
01 - Skibbington von Skubber
This weeks topic was chosen by Greggles. (I think?)
This weeks topic is: Ghosts
- One entry per person.
- Can be a sketch, joke, lyric or anything along those lines.
- Please try and only post your entry and no other posts.
- You can edit your entry, up until the closing time.
Competition Closes: Monday 2nd July
Good luck!
Overall Leader Board
Points - Name
10 - Swerytd
10 - Leevil
09 - ajp29
09 - ShoePie
09 - Charley Rance
09 - David Chapman
05 - Greggles
04 - Jude
04 - Andy W
04 - losaavedra
03 - Stylo
02 - Imamazed
02 - Slack Bladder
02 - Paul Nash
02 - Boits
01 - Michael Monkhouse
01 - Skibbington von Skubber
01 - Ginger Jesus
01 - Nick Rivers
01 - Daddy Maz
Spot any mistakes? PM Me.