Quote: charley rance @ June 26, 2007, 11:37 PMWhere is that building WJFK. I suddenly fancy a climb.
Wrap yourself in some good strong tape first Charley!
Quote: charley rance @ June 26, 2007, 11:37 PMWhere is that building WJFK. I suddenly fancy a climb.
Wrap yourself in some good strong tape first Charley!
Quote: Wildjesusfishkid @ June 26, 2007, 11:36 PMThat building in London that looks like a giant vibrator. That pisses me off. How many other buildings do we know that look like male or female naughty parts?
The Gherkin? Well, then there's Ken's Testicle.
Is this one of those well-kept secrets?
Quote: charley rance @ June 26, 2007, 11:37 PMWhere is that building WJFK. I suddenly fancy a climb.
It's called the Swiss Re Building. Google it.
Quote: EllieJP @ June 26, 2007, 11:38 PMHangovers piss me off...oh and girls who get emotional after a couple of drinks and then proceed to snot all over your nice top!
Push them away?
Look at your watch when they start crying, and tut
Ouch! It certainly has magnificent proportions!
The Swiss Re Building.
Honest to God, I bet it goes off like a rocket!
My theory, it's like Big Boy in Austin Powers or summink. Far more than "just a building". Those cheeky Swiss!
It does look pretty odd in daylight, but to its credit, it's rather nice at night. And, evidently, at twilight.
Quote: Aaron @ June 26, 2007, 11:53 PMMy theory, it's like Big Boy in Austin Powers or summink. Far more than "just a building". Those cheeky Swiss!
"One Swiss made penis enlarger..."
It's not my bag, baby!
The Gherkin is my favourite building in the whole wide world!
I love it.
And there is nothing phallic about that whatsoever, thank you very much...
*pats Zooo on the head*
Yes. Of course.
So, why do you like it so much?
Because most of the buildings in London are rubbish, and we don't have much of a skyline, so I like things that give London some identity. I like the Eye too.
Interesting, interesting.