British Comedy Guide

It's your obituary! Page 2


Ah well, never mind.

Quote: Griff @ November 17 2008, 12:14 PM GMT

Actually I'm with Sooty here. It would be political correctness gone mad for him to have a correctly-spelt epitaph.

Laughing out loud

Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 17 2008, 11:33 AM GMT

Great band.

C**trageous great chocolate bar.

To those of you who didn't think that all my jokes were funny
Buried in the ground with me is all my hard earned money

Roscoff-Bearly a Man.

Roscoff bearied?

Afinkawan, the world's most second-rate scientist killed himself yesterday over the universal indifference to his latest invention, the Little Hadron Collider. Always on the brink of fame and fortune, Afinkawan rose to mediocrity in the 1980's with his invention of the ‘slightly unwieldy disc' two days after the first compact disc became commercially available. Never quite able to crack the popular science market, he failed to make theoretical physics accessible to the masses with his 1992 book, ‘A Fairly Lengthy History of Time'. In recent years he made himself bankrupt with his invention of the mp2 player and the world's first medium definition television. Afinkawan will be buried this Saturday in Highgate Cemetery, sort of out of the way somewhere behind Michael Faraday.

Ian G

Was that it?? Bollocks!

Quote: Moonstone @ November 17 2008, 1:58 PM GMT


Ah well, never mind.


Aaron Browne


Laughing out loud

Aaron Brown

He wuz gud.

Sez Soootyj

I'm flattered that you consider me significant enough to warrant an acknowledgement.

Well what would your own one be fearless leader?

Well, like I said before...

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