Hello and welcome to Morricons.
Today's special offer is baked beans half price, and white bread half price.
Perfect for all you chavvy mums who blew the house keeping on Disco
Don't they have nice adverts?
White lighting cider is 10p off today.
And for our rhubarb faced hoody wearing clientelle.
Mina our nervous checkout girl who can't make eye contact is on checkout 12.
If you can't convince her your 18 you must be gay.
And here's a treat for our more fulsome customers.
Our pies are now half price. After sitting under a heat lamp for 12 hours.
Quick stampede before we put them out for the rats.
And for the women in aisle 13 infront of the pies.
Run, abandon your kiddies you can always have more.
The store will be closing at midngiht.
So Dereck our embittered night security guard can mastrubate in all the cottage cheese pots.
And just think, if you weren't such a bunch of feckless, leisure wear wearing, dole scroungers.
You could be shopping in Waitrose.
Where the social workers who don't take your kids away buy their foccacia.