British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 1,603

Yeah, you weren't around when they were plotting their BSG couples!

Quote: Moonstone @ November 16 2008, 12:47 AM GMT

What's that got to do with it? That should've made a few of those girly hearts fonder shouldn't it?

I demand a BSG whore!

You have Aaron!

Quote: Aaron @ November 16 2008, 12:48 AM GMT

Yeah, you weren't around when they were plotting their BSG couples!

Oh! Ask Finck. Finck controls all.

I miss Chapman and Charley being a couple. :(

Why do you think that neither of them are ever online anymore? ;)

Quote: PhQnix @ November 16 2008, 12:48 AM GMT

Oh! Ask Finck. Finck controls all.

Yes! I shall consult the Finckacle! Or send in a request, or whatever you have to do.

She is actually online. She's always online. Like some kind of big supervillain. Teary



I hope her work's going ok. It must be getting stressful.

Quote: Moonstone @ November 16 2008, 12:57 AM GMT

I hope her work's going ok. It must be getting stressful.

Being side kick to waffle man?

*pops in as Captain Pop Tart*

Damn you Waffle Man!! *throws hot Pop Tarts*

*pops off again*

Quote: Nil Putters @ November 16 2008, 1:00 AM GMT

*pops in as Captain Pop Tart*

*pops off again*

Nil! how you doing big man finally someone I like to talk to.

Quote: Gavin @ November 16 2008, 12:57 AM GMT

Being side kick to waffle man?

He's dead versatile you know.

Quote: Gavin @ November 16 2008, 1:00 AM GMT

Nil! how you doing big man finally someone I like to talk to.


*pops back*

*starts picking up discarded Pop Tarts* Yeah, alright mate. These things don't grow on trees you know.

*pops off*

Quote: Moonstone @ November 16 2008, 1:02 AM GMT



You know what I mean "Moon Stone"

Quote: Gavin @ November 16 2008, 1:04 AM GMT


You know what I mean "Moon Stone"

Sorry it's just cos I'm a new member Whistling nnocently

Quote: Moonstone @ November 16 2008, 1:06 AM GMT

Sorry it's just cos I'm a new member Whistling nnocently

Thats alright I like you all equally.
....some more equally then others obviously

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