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I am also frozen. But I like that. I'm sitting in bed, with all four bedroom windows open. My shoulders, the only part of me not covered by the duvet, are flipping freezing. But it is ace. :)

I don't normally mind the cold; I'd always much prefer to be too cold than warm, but the biting wind and horizontal rain is pushing the boundaries a bit this morning!

:) And my umbrella blew inside out, which I hate!

Ah, well that's not too great! I shall have to be venturing forth into the outdoors in just over an hour. Not actually raining here at present I don't think though.

Hey everyone, good weekend?

I'm tired... my boyfriend kept me up chatting until 3.15am!!!!

Is that what they call it these days?

No I'm serious. He actually wanted to "talk" about me and him and all that jazz.



The Talk. :O

Quote: EllieJP @ November 10 2008, 10:49 AM GMT

No I'm serious. He actually wanted to "talk" about me and him and all that jazz.

That sounds ominous.

Woah. zooo has a rather cool 22322 posts. Awesome.

Quote: zooo @ November 10 2008, 10:52 AM GMT


The Talk. :O

Haha - no... not "The Talk!"

Just a chat about things.

Had he splashed man muck in your hair earlier in the evening?

No, he's not allowed to do that.

Quote: EllieJP @ November 10 2008, 11:01 AM GMT

No, he's not allowed to do that.

Where is he allowed to splash it?

Just no where near my eye or hair.

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