British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 500


Oh my god, Aaron.

*feels his forehead*

I know!

I'm off again, I can't handle it!

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ November 9 2008, 1:01 AM GMT

Big trouble in little China :)

I loved that film when I was a kid. I thought that Chinese bloke in the big hat, with the lightning coming out of his hands, was the coolest thing ever - even cooler than Boba Fett, from The Empire Strikes Back.

Ghostbusters 2!

I've not even see the first. I don't think. :/

And I am now watching Bremner, Bird & Fortune's Silly Money Part 2.

Ghostbusters (1) is one of the best films ever!!!

There's never anything good to watch on Sundays. Angry

Channel 4. You might enjoy that. :)

Quote: zooo @ November 9 2008, 7:01 PM GMT

Ghostbusters (1) is one of the best films ever!!!

I'm looking for it. :)

Quote: Aaron @ November 9 2008, 7:00 PM GMT

And I am now watching Bremner, Bird & Fortune's Silly Money Part 2.

If that's what's on 4, I think his Boris is rubbish.

Yes, that's the one. It's not awful, but it could be better.

It's not up to his usual standard.

The news.
Where monks are fighting! Hilarious!

That was brilliant. I saw the headline on BBC News Online earlier today, but seeing the clip on the news earlier, monks jumping on top of each other, just brilliant. :D

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