British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 1,566

There's no dock leaves growing nearby, and there were none at school. I might just have calamine in my drawer...Yep! Yay!

Cut the affected appendage off.

Get somebody to wee on it.

Oh wait, that's jellyfish stings.

Blimey, if that's the reaction when I post I'm buggering off again.

It's okay now. Laura wins lots of flowers for fixing me. :)

She knows all. :)

Except that I said Camomile instead of Calamine!!!

I knew what you meant, obviously. :)

Yes, thank goodness!

For all we know camomile lotion (were it to exist) mixed with nettle rashes could be fatal! :O

It does exist!

Am so stupid. I didn't know you got it wrong.

I do declare Robyn to be the smartest girl in the world.

We should make her a badge!

It'd be a lying badge! :( I couldn't live with myself if I made a badge lie.


Ooh...Ooh I am tempted...

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ November 7 2008, 8:55 PM GMT

I couldn't live with myself if I made a badge lie.

I'm a hairy Egyptian woman.

Laughing out loud

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