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Our new Writers Area - ideas please! Page 4

Quote: Griff @ November 7 2008, 12:19 AM GMT

Writing that involves using Word and not the BSG 'Edit Post' box.


"...this is exactly how Nazi Germany started!"...

For God's sake... best wishes to every writer on here. But I - like others - who have progeressed (however tentatively) anywhere, have done it off our own back(s): working/writing hard and fighting our own corners.

If you're a funnier writer than me, then great, I look forward to seeing your stuff. But I have worked hard for my contacts (as did many) and there is literally no substitute for working hard and writing funnier. And making your own luck.

The writers' area should be open to all - new and experienced - and should never become a two-tier area. I have a personal ego about my abilities, but have a very objective sense of what I can achieve. Everyone who has ever considered themselves a "writer" is convinced that they have something great to offer the world (if only the world would listen). This is obviously not true, but I don't knock that attitude. However I knock (and mock) arrogance.

Best of luck to all writers,


Quote: Timbo @ November 7 2008, 12:05 AM GMT

Well, we know of at least one producer who lurks, and I am sure others have discovered the site whilst trawling the web for any mention of their new show, so the possibility is there. It is just the doorkeeper thing that bothers me.

Maybe it could simply be restricted to members who have registered their Writers Directory Profile. And completed it properly.

Hear, hear!

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 7 2008, 12:44 AM GMT

Everyone who has ever considered themselves a "writer" is convinced that they have something great to offer the world (if only the world would listen).

Or they just like telling stories.

Perhaps we could have a vicious and painful initiation ceremony like the Yakuza.

You have to write 6 scripts for Writers Room, followed by having the cast of Carry On tatooed on your face?

I fear a 2 tier system could end up like ESCW, or Comedy Pit. Alot of people with a little success and inflated opinions jamming the forum.
At the same time as chasing away genuine new talent.

I'd say a simpler apporach would just be to open the "industry section" to any one who's been a member for 6 months.

Or bring in site rules in how many submissions can be made. I'd do it on the basis of first come, first served.

Only more so.

But I think the essential democracy of the site makes this less of a problem then in other forums.

It's a Catch 22, if you're succesful enough to justify a VIP area of the site. The chances are you don't need it.

n.b. can we have a daily contest for the most spurious use of Nazism as a metaphor.

Though I suspect I would win most days.

Catch 22 is no trite catchphrase.

And if people seem to keep misunderstanding you.

Maybe it wasn't all that great point in the first place.

n.b. I am fascinated by how anyone would select the "serious writer,"

Does a few NR/TS credits count? Or winning the cub scout standup of the year? Maybe 25 rejections from Writers Room?

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 7 2008, 12:44 AM GMT

For God's sake... best wishes to every writer on here. But I - like others - who have progeressed (however tentatively) anywhere, have done it off our own back(s): working/writing hard and fighting our own corners.

Didn't Norman Tebbit used to say things like this in the eighties? I miss the Chingford Skinhead. :(

I don't see the point of a member's area. I don't think it will increase the number of opportunities and it will just be another barrier to new people starting out.

I'd like to see more behind the scenes stuff from shows, maybe we could convince a few writers, actors, or directors on shows to do a video diary for us. Listen in on a few meetngs/pitches/read throughs, obviously no big spoilers but film directors manage to find the time to make video diaries all the time and it's publicity for the show.

I always thought he was boasting about having sex with women of easy virtue.

Chortle seems to have succeded in being taken seriously as the industry website.

Victoria Lloyd frequently when other during Tilt's run to talk about what was needed.

Even if it was a tad like Barrack Obama logging on to a KKK discussion board.

Maybe we could expand the contests the site runs for writers?

With perhaps the prize being for the best script a month getting professionally developed (e.g. edited)?

Then sent onto a prodco?

I mean they may be more willing to look at the best single script from BCG, as oposed to a torrent?

Also didn't 4laughs used to provide a talent contest Window of Opportunity?

She was there quite a few times discussing what the show needed.

I mean don't most radio shows work on the basis of invitation to writers?

Quote: sootyj @ November 7 2008, 10:31 AM GMT

n.b. I am fascinated by how anyone would select the "serious writer,"

I think it should be restricted to those with more than one agent.

Quote: Griff @ November 7 2008, 10:50 AM GMT

We can already send our scripts to a prodco... Oh I give up.

They still do, but the opportunities seem to be getting more and more shit with each month, sadly.

I meant BCG sends the winning script, not the individual writer.

Any one can send anything to a Prodco. The members of this forum self selecting their best works may give it a little more status?

I was thinking if 4laughs windows are crap, maybe BCG could replace it?

Alright then, one agent but he/she has to be comedy specific.

Quote: sootyj @ November 7 2008, 10:45 AM GMT

Maybe we could expand the contests the site runs for writers?

With perhaps the prize being for the best script a month getting professionally developed (e.g. edited)?

Then sent onto a prodco?

I mean they may be more willing to look at the best single script from BCG, as oposed to a torrent?

Also didn't 4laughs used to provide a talent contest Window of Opportunity?

Writersdock runs a monthly sketch competition where each quarter the winners from the last three months are sent to Michael Jacob who comments on them and selects his favourite. There have been problems with that particular competition, and if we were to do anything similar careful thought would need to go into how the contest was structured, in order to avoid contention and ill-feeling. It could be more trouble than it is worth.

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