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Not any more.


:$ I was kidding!

If a white person votes for a candidate because he's white, it's racism. But if a black person votes for a black candidate because he's black, it's pride/solidarity/brotherhood. The members of the military (very well integrated, racially) polled for mcCain something like 65-35. But the black vote was overwhelmingly for Obama. Politics should NOT be based upon skin color.

Quote: DaButt @ November 4 2008, 6:11 PM GMT

If a white person votes for a candidate because he's white, it's racism. But if a black person votes for a black candidate because he's black, it's pride/solidarity/brotherhood.

Only to idiots.

welcome to the United States of Idiots. There's an elephant in the room that I, a non-racist white man, cannot even mention. But politicians use it to great effect.

Quote: zooo @ November 4 2008, 6:25 PM GMT

Only to idiots.

Sadly zooo, DaButt's correct. It's the same kind of double standards that angers me so much about the MOBO Awards.

But, they are idiots, right?

So I'm right, right?

It's like those "Women only" achievement awards usually in association with some rubish glossy magazine. If there was a male version, there would be an outcry!

I liked McCain for a long time. One of the few Republicans I can say that about. If I was American I could have seen myself voting for him if the Dems would have chosen someone different and if he wouldn't have chosen Sara Palin as his running mate. That right there put the nail in the coffin for my opinion of his campaign.
But I like Obama a lot. I didn't know much about him during the Dems search for a candidate so I read a few things and watched a couple of documentaries about him. My favorite was the one made by the History Network here in Canada. It started at the beginning of his life and ended with his speech for Kerry (it was a bit old). But it pointed out his flaws, his failures along with his triumphs and successes.
I didn't think he'd beat Clinton but I sure wanted him too.
Look forward to tonight. I really hope its a landslide.

EDIT: As a side note the History channel in Canada is pretty right wing. Most of their shows are glorification of wars, and very biased docs on how great the Royal family is and how cool oil and lumber companies. They hardly ever have any actual History any longer.

Quote: zooo @ November 4 2008, 6:51 PM GMT

But, they are idiots, right?

So I'm right, right?

*tries to process*

... *cries*

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ November 4 2008, 7:01 PM GMT

It's like those "Women only" achievement awards usually in association with some rubish glossy magazine. If there was a male version, there would be an outcry!


Quote: Aaron @ November 4 2008, 7:06 PM GMT

*tries to process*

... *cries*

I don't understand why it's complicated...
We're saying the same thing!

*gives up* :P


Ahhhhh. I see. Yes. :)

You are, as ever, correct.

So, I come home... and my housemate is cooking us dinner... naked apart from an apron. He then sits down and eats dinner with me naked apart from the apron and is STILL naked.

Any one else think this is weird... last time he's allowed out of the cupboard.

Did it taste a little more ... interesting, than usual?

I'm not going to predict anything about the US election other than the man who wakes up as president tomorrow morning won't last beyond 2009 in the job. And I am willing to bet any BSG-er serious cash on that. Any takers?

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