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*shakes fist*

Just been speaking to my Dad who today took on the neighbour across the road cause she was making so much noise as she was hammered at 6 in the evening. He told her to turn her music down and stop screeching out of the window at passers by. She snapped back drunkenly (about the dog who likes to bark and muck about in the front garden when the kids are going to school) "Piss off! I don't f**king moan about dogs making noise at 8 in the pissing morning". He said "If the sound of your own screeching bothers you that much, don't f**k the postman so hard".

That raised my second smile of the evening.

Laughing out loud

He had a go at me when I said I was going to see the flaming barrels saying I could just watch the local kids setting fire to cars without forking out petrol money.

He is not big on stuff like that!

Dad's are usually big on trains though.

I know mine is.

My Dad is big on the History channel and the women of WWE. :D

Quote: Winterlight @ November 3 2008, 10:44 PM GMT

Dad's are usually big on trains though.


P.S. Trains are cool.

Aw. Obama's grandma died one day before the election. :(

Quote: Aaron @ November 3 2008, 10:03 PM GMT

So Obama's won on the sympathy ticket.


Is that what you meant then?
I didn't even get it. :)

Yup. I assumed you'd seen!


She's has got some timing on her.

I bet it was staged. I bet she died about a month ago, and it's only been revealed today.


Are you accusing the future president of keeping his relatives in a fridge? :(

More or less!

Quote: Aaron @ November 3 2008, 10:53 PM GMT

P.S. Trains are cool.

My dad has a restored GWR bench in the front room. From the 1930s I expect.

Quote: zooo @ November 3 2008, 11:15 PM GMT

Aw. Obama's grandma died one day before the election. :(

I've only just read it, too.

That is really sad.

(And I would have found it equally sad if it had been McCains grandma. But she probably died in the late 1700s.)

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