Tuesday 4th November 2008 3:50am [Edited]
9,490 posts
Blah blah blah blah blah.
This whole thing is ridiculous. It's gone from the original incident, to the media reaction to the incident, to the media reaction to the media reaction to the incident, to the defence against the media reaction to the incident, to whether or not you like Ross and/or Brand, to whether or not the BBC and other broadcasters are out of order on grounds of cost, taste, or both.
Bottom line, to me, is simple: it's the incident. By which I mean the series of phone calls, irrespective of their broadcast status. The lack of instant contrition has brought more grief on Brand and Ross than the actual offence warranted, but that's their own fault - for whatever reason, they didn't apologise properly, they allowed it to be broadcast (you think they didn't have a say?) and they were very slow to react once it had reached the media. I don't think the media reaction has that much to do with the original incident but if anyone is responsible for it getting out of hand it is Ross and Brand.
By the way, I like Brand very much, and I think Ross is sometimes great and oftentimes irritating. I'm sure both will be back on the BBC at some point though (look at Kenny Everett - banned at least once and then a big BBC star).
And I love Carry on up the Khyber. ![:)](