British Comedy Guide

Brand, Ross and Sachs Page 34

Quote: Jonwo @ October 31 2008, 6:08 AM BST

Sorry to rant on but I feel like burning down the offices of The Daily Mail which would please the majority vocal minority of the country :P

Do you read the Daily Mail Aaron?

Look at this headline.

"Even as Russell Brand row raged, BBC 'comedians' were insulting the Queen"

I wasn't aware it was 1600 and we can't insult the monarchy.

Off with their heads.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 31 2008, 10:51 AM BST

Oh sweet Jesus . . . Just read this:

After claiming the scalp of Russell Brand, the Daily Mail has turned its outrage to Mock The Week.

The newspaper, which has been at the vanguard of protest over the filthy calls Brand and Jonathan Ross made to Andrew Sachs, has now taken up arms against what it calls a ‘so-called joke' Frankie Boyle cracked on a show aired last night.

Asked to think of something you wouldn't hear in the Queen's Christmas speech, he said: ‘I have had a few medical issues this year - I'm now so old that my pussy is haunted.'

Scenting another issue to outrage its Middle-England readers, the news paper said: ‘The decision to allow the "joke" to be aired on the show at 10pm, hours after Brand resigned, has led to renewed anger among viewers. Boyle's "gag" is just one example of the depths to which the BBC has fallen.'

Just . . . . Jesus . . .

Again, much like the Ross/Brand debacle, the show only actually attracted four complaints last night. And was a repeat.

Exqueese me? When's this report from? I can't see any Mock The Week repeat last night?

Quote: Griff @ October 31 2008, 11:21 AM BST

Firstly, nobody gives a f**k about the Queen


Quote: Spagett @ October 31 2008, 12:04 PM BST

Do you read the Daily Mail Aaron?


Have to admit as something of an Anti Royalist I find that joke very funny.

Surely it's the Royal "Our " pussy.

I don't understand all of this.

It's like...if you object to what happened, you're outraged of Tunbridge Wells, a Daily Mail reader, a member of the moral majority and almost certainly over the age of 40. In other words you can't handle "edgy" humour laced with swear words.

I was still at school in the late 70s when the Sex Pistols were telling Bill Grundy to f**k off on daytime television. Before a lot of you were even born, probably. I don't give a monkey shit about the "shock" value; I do remember two flatmates arguing over a lost deposit and every second word was f**king or wanking, not because it was clever and cutting edge but because they were so bloody thick that using swear words simply helped to fill the gaps in their thought processes.

You can pick on anyone you like, niggers, yids, menstruating mad cows and poofs and be witty about them. But when you invade someone's privacy in order to humiliate them, ESPECIALLY picking on their children and grandchildren (you really won't know till you have some of your own) then publicize your comments to a mass audience, you deserve all the mass publicity you get in return, manufactured or otherwise. It's not "edgy", people. It's abuse. And it's not new and exciting either.

Justifying it in the name of comedy is no different to a footballer who launches a physical assault on an opponent with the express intention of breaking his leg, and then doesn't expect to be prosecuted because these things "should be kept on the field". Oh, it was funny, was it? Well that's all right then.

And I HATE the f**king Daily Mail, and all those hypocritical politicians who never have the decency to resign once they've been caught out themselves. Unlike Russell Brand.

Quote: Griff @ October 31 2008, 12:18 PM BST

But Aaron are your monarchist sensibilities sufficiently sensitive that you feel like asking for a TV show to be banned just because someone made a joke about the Royal Pussy?

No. It's highly amusing.

Well I'm a loyal royalist and I still found that joke funny.

It's just a joke, nothing to get in a spin about.

Quote: Griff @ October 31 2008, 12:34 PM BST

Brand didn't resign out of any kind of decency. He did it because it would look a lot better than being sacked, which was inevitable.

And I loved his quote 'I only did this radio show to make people laugh'. So the 200 grand a year was just a coincidence then?

And I doubt he'll go hungry either even without the 200 grand.

Quote: Aaron @ October 31 2008, 12:10 PM BST

Exqueese me? When's this report from? I can't see any Mock The Week repeat last night?

Just read it on Chortle.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 31 2008, 12:59 PM BST

Just read it on Chortle. So maybe article was actually from a couple of days ago??

How the hell did that just turn into a quote?!

Brand certainly didn't resign out of any 'decency'. I guess he took the opportunity to get out of a contract doing something that he had lost interest in to seek more lucrative offers elsewhere. That's (kind of) what he said.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 31 2008, 1:00 PM BST

Just read it on Chortle.

Yeah, looks like it was broadcast on Wednesday night. :)

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 31 2008, 1:00 PM BST

How the hell did that just turn into a quote?!

No idea!

What should the BBC do with the £1.5 million they won't be paying Mr. Ross?

Pay Graham Norton to make another light-entertainment show. We don't have enough of them goddamit!

Ross and Brand have just been put on the Sachs offenders register.

Thank you today's Sun.

Edited by Aaron.

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