British Comedy Guide

Brand, Ross and Sachs Page 32

There's something a tads agist about how Sachs has been turned into a feeble old man.

He seems spry and on the ball in all his interviews.

He's a working actor, who's living his life.

Quote: Pete @ October 30 2008, 11:01 PM BST

The problem with the vocality of those in favour of Ross is the distribution over so many forums....for those against all 30,000 can channel their passion through the Mail.....for the millions in favour there is no common voice.

The only good thing to come of this now will be the destruction of slut chops in the Sunday papers

Rather an assumption that only Daily Mail readers object. And given the probable age demographic of those not in favour of Ross, I suspect that most of them are not users of any forums.

If by "slut chops" you mean the granddaughter, her destruction is likely to take the form of bookings to appear on topical panel shows.

Quote: Pete @ October 30 2008, 10:13 PM BST

This country seems in need of a Colbert Report to highlight the right wing medias power over the easily manipulated.

Quote: zooo @ October 30 2008, 10:17 PM BST

I guess maybe he'll have Russell as a guest and make a big thing of it, rather than try and gloss over it.

I have a feeling that Auntie would object somewhat to Brand appearing...

Quote: zooo @ October 30 2008, 10:23 PM BST

Well I wouldn't give him one, cos I don't do standing ups unless I'm going somewhere.

Only standing ovation I recall was for Ronnie Barker. Teary

Quote: Johnny Green @ October 30 2008, 10:43 PM BST

On Sky News today they kept going on about the license fee payers yet you don't need a license for the radio so they don't know what they're talking about


Quote: Pete @ October 30 2008, 11:01 PM BST

some retard is "going to record Brands TV show tonight and watch it back in silence, noting all the adverts so i can wrote to them and say i'll never buy their products again"

That is actually genius.

Ha ha! I will record Russell Brand and then write to every advertiser, to say I will buy one of their products.

Quote: Timbo @ October 30 2008, 11:09 PM BST

If by "slut chops" you mean the granddaughter, her destruction is likely to take the form of bookings to appear on topical panel shows.

I can't see it.....the sort of shows that would want her are likely to have a pretty pro Ross viewer base - i would imagine the most use she can be to the media is a few topless shots, an expose from a past boyfriend/girlfriend/satanic worshipper and then being cast back to obscurity.

She may be thinking she's the next Abi Titmus but I think she'll find she's not quite pretty enough to win over the readers of Nuts and Zoo who will be rather pissed and what she's done to Brand/Ross (or "bross" in a yank, celeb pairing styleee)

Quote: sootyj @ October 30 2008, 11:26 PM BST

Ha ha! I will record Russell Brand and then write to every advertiser, to say I will buy one of their products.

cant wait for the viewing figures.....not a show i've seen but i'll be tuning in later.

Quote: Pete @ October 30 2008, 11:28 PM BST

I can't see it.....the sort of shows that would want her are likely to have a pretty pro Ross viewer base - i would imagine the most use she can be to the media is a few topless shots, an expose from a past boyfriend/girlfriend/satanic worshipper and then being cast back to obscurity.

She may be thinking she's the next Abi Titmus but I think she'll find she's not quite pretty enough to win over the readers of Nuts and Zoo who will be rather pissed and what she's done to Brand/Ross (or "bross" in a yank, celeb pairing styleee)

Most people are not going to be particularly either pro or anti, any old celebrity will do.

Brand is a big drinker of course - in fact it's not the first time he's had Baillie's cream on his lips.

There is one difference between Brand and Sachs though - one has a head on smack, the other has a smack on head.


Quote: Aaron @ October 31 2008, 12:30 AM BST


I'm sorry, but yes. A million times yes.

Be nice. It's taken him days to come up with that!

Quote: zooo @ October 31 2008, 12:34 AM BST

Be nice. It's taken him days to come up with that!

Ha, ha.

No, I came up with it just then actually. I was well chuffed. I'm supposed to be sketch writing but got side-tracked.

It was worth it.

To be fair, they were probably the best jokes we've had in this thread. (Certainly the former of the two.)

But still...

Quote: Aaron @ October 31 2008, 12:37 AM BST

To be fair, they were probably the best jokes we've had in this thread. (Certainly the former of the two.)

But still...

The smack joke was f**king gold, Aaron. I know a joke is good when it even takes ME by surprise.

It's a shame I'm not a stand up really, that would have killed.

This whole debacle has shown how sheep like the general public in particular Daily Mail readers are. Out of all the complants I would bet that only a small portion of them had actually heard the show. An apology should have been enough but it seems the DM have decided to have a BBC bashing session when there are more pressing issues to be reported.

The media really pisses me off sometimes especially the tabloids and it's quite sad that people actually take time to complain about something they seen or heard.

The Daily Mail are now also complaining the 'filth' in BBC comedies highlighting Frankie Boyle's Queen Pussy joke. If these Middle England f**kwits had their way, we'd be left with very bland comedies.

Sorry to rant on but I feel like burning down the offices of The Daily Mail which would please the majority of the country :P

Quote: Pete @ October 30 2008, 11:01 PM BST

It will symbolise the public feeling that the BBC caving to The Mail was far more distasteful and sinister than anything Ross said. He offended someone and they accepted his apology...for me, that issue ended there. I have now lost 12 weeks of a TV show i like for no other reason than a vocal minority.

Just have a read of the comments on the Mail forum....people want him "banned from radio and TV for life " "the Queen should take back his CBE" some retard is "going to record Brands TV show tonight and watch it back in silence, noting all the adverts so i can wrote to them and say i'll never buy their products again"

The problem with the vocality of those in favour of Ross is the distribution over so many forums....for those against all 30,000 can channel their passion through the Mail.....for the millions in favour there is no common voice.

The only good thing to come of this now will be the destruction of slut chops in the Sunday papers and the receipt to the BBC of 50,000 complaints that Speed is on tomorrow and not Ross (and who picked a film about a run away vehicle that no one can stop until it blows up......metaphor anyone?)

So the poor old vocal majority of MILLIONS can't find a common voice? Come off it, that's a ludicrous argument. It must be millions of couch potatoes then, who can't be bothered to get off their fat arses! If you MILLIONS would write to the BBC in support I am sure they would appreciate it, and publish it. But as it is, you'd rather bitch and moan in your favourite forums. The nearest one to the couch, presumably!

Different topic, but as for watching Ponderland in silence. Couldn't agree more. I watched 10 mins of it last night with an open mind as I do not dislike Brand, but it was just drivel. Don't know why he shows shots of the "audience" when he is clearly using canned laughter.

Bring back some decent comedy that doesn't have to get it's "laughs" from belittling other people!

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