British Comedy Guide

Brand, Ross and Sachs Page 31

Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 30 2008, 10:28 PM BST

Agreed. :)

I wonder what The Queen thinks about it?

She was a Fawlty fan. Or if not, she should have been! ;)

Remember the queen doesn't have an opinion.

I bet Phillip was backing Ross and Brand though, he's such a bad guy lol.

It could have been worse for Ross, but I was expecting a suspension, and wasn't surprised. On the recording, it was he who used the f word, not Brand

I don't know if ITV or C4 could afford him these days, anyway.

Corn? I don't farm dear, I just live in Somerset...

Quote: Bad dog @ October 30 2008, 10:31 PM BST

It could have been worse for Ross, but I was expecting a suspension, and wasn't surprised. On the recording, it was he who used the f word, not Brand

I don't know if ITV or C4 could afford him these days, anyway.

He might not be in a position to bargain.

My corns are playing me up as is my ingrowing toenail, but this is far too much detail ain't it?

See you aound!

Fx :)

Would this have still been as big a deal if it had been on a commercial station?

Does it all come down to the fact that the UK public 'own' the BBC?

Quote: Richard Wells @ October 30 2008, 10:34 PM BST

He might not be in a position to bargain.

He's loaded, he doesn't have to go grovelling; and there will be a channel willing to pay him a shed load for the coup of having him move over to them.

I wouldn't have thought they'd give him a £6m contract, maybe a signing-on fee and then pay for whatever he's doing for them.

On Sky News today they kept going on about the license fee payers yet you don't need a license for the radio so they don't know what they're talking about


Quote: Bad dog @ October 30 2008, 10:42 PM BST

I wouldn't have thought they'd give him a £6m contract, maybe a signing-on fee and then pay for whatever he's doing for them.

Well, he'd get signed for a set fee, I imagine, with the understanding that he will be fronting a certian amount of TV airtime.

Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 30 2008, 10:19 PM BST

What will it be for then, smarty?

It will symbolise the public feeling that the BBC caving to The Mail was far more distasteful and sinister than anything Ross said. He offended someone and they accepted his apology...for me, that issue ended there. I have now lost 12 weeks of a TV show i like for no other reason than a vocal minority.

Just have a read of the comments on the Mail forum....people want him "banned from radio and TV for life " "the Queen should take back his CBE" some retard is "going to record Brands TV show tonight and watch it back in silence, noting all the adverts so i can wrote to them and say i'll never buy their products again"

The problem with the vocality of those in favour of Ross is the distribution over so many forums....for those against all 30,000 can channel their passion through the Mail.....for the millions in favour there is no common voice.

The only good thing to come of this now will be the destruction of slut chops in the Sunday papers and the receipt to the BBC of 50,000 complaints that Speed is on tomorrow and not Ross (and who picked a film about a run away vehicle that no one can stop until it blows up......metaphor anyone?)

Quote: Johnny Green @ October 30 2008, 10:43 PM BST

On Sky News today they kept going on about the license fee payers yet you don't need a license for the radio so they don't know what they're talking about


Sasha Baron Cohen insulted an entire country and no one blinked.

And yes I thought Borat was hilarious.

It's the old devil of moral panic.

Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 30 2008, 10:27 PM BST

I like Ross. But this was awful. I wouldn't have minded him having a dig at the granddaughter (Satanic Slut, indeed!) but not Sachs himself. Bad targetting, surely.

Shocking....and had they sacked him on the day it happened I'd have understood (not happy, but understood) issue is how the right wing press has dictated the outcome while still being happy to use pictures of the satanic slut in semi naked poses holding a knife to a fellow slappers about covering all basis, they appeal to those who want Parky back and those who like violent sexual imagery!

Quote: sootyj @ October 30 2008, 11:03 PM BST

Sasha Baron Cohen insulted an entire country and no one blinked.

Why would The Mail care about what happens to some backwards Muslims? Had Borat had a go at Richard Bryers they'd have had a one man holocaust campaign!

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