British Comedy Guide

Brand, Ross and Sachs Page 27

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 30 2008, 5:07 PM BST

To you, obviously they are to a great many others.

Nothing obvious about it at all.

A 'great many' can be fooled by even your average conman. I believe this episode is making people wake up to the unmitigated dross the media has been feeding us in lieu of genuine talent for many years now.

The problem is that 'a great many' can be fooled quite easily, via the emperor's new clothes syndrome, into confusing the two... and quite frankly 'a great many' more would never recognise the difference if you slapped them in the face with it...

Quote: Charlton King @ October 30 2008, 6:22 PM BST

Nothing obvious about it at all.

A 'great many' can be fooled by even your average conman.

No one is fooled into finding someone funny. If you laugh you laugh, and millions laugh.

It's an almost daily occurence on here now. Someone intimating that I am a moronic idiot for 'thinking' I find someone funny.

People have different tastes! There is no right and wrong! I think Peter Kay is dire, but I don't accuse everyone who likes him of being a brainless, easily fooled retard.

Small children have this concept down. Really people, try and get your heads around it.

Quote: zooo @ October 30 2008, 6:35 PM BST

Small children have this concept down. Really people, try and get your heads around it.

Some hope!

Here's an easy way to work out if someone has a talent that is appreciated by many, many people dispite what you feel yourself.......if they are regularly on TV shows, they do.

I dont like Bruce Forsythe but i realise that if i said he was anything but an excellent entertainer i would be mentally ill....despite my not finding him entertaining.

If i eat at Claridges and dont like the starter can i label Gordon a shitty cook?

Quote: Charlton King @ October 30 2008, 6:22 PM BST

Nothing obvious about it at all.

A 'great many' can be fooled by even your average conman. I believe this episode is making people wake up to the unmitigated dross the media has been feeding us in lieu of genuine talent for many years now.

The problem is that 'a great many' can be fooled quite easily, via the emperor's new clothes syndrome, into confusing the two... and quite frankly 'a great many' more would never recognise the difference if you slapped them in the face with it...

Say what?

Quote: zooo @ October 30 2008, 6:35 PM BST

It's an almost daily occurence on here now. Someone intimating that I am a moronic idiot for 'thinking' I find someone funny.

People have different tastes! There is no right and wrong!

Damn straight.

Quote: Charlton King @ October 30 2008, 6:22 PM BST

I believe this episode is making people wake up

Funniest contribution to the thread so far. Nice thought, but still: Laughing out loudLaughing out loudLaughing out loud

Quote: zooo @ October 30 2008, 6:35 PM BST

I think Peter Kay is dire, but I don't accuse everyone who likes him of being a brainless, easily fooled retard.

Even though they quite obviously are.

Quote: zooo @ October 30 2008, 6:35 PM BST

There is no right and wrong!

I like Jim Davidson...?

My objection was Pete complaining about people complaining about Ross being unfunny. That equally is an opinion they are entitled to.

Offensive comedy is very divisive. For most people the more offensive a gag is the funnier it needs to get away with it. How easily offended you are dictates how funny that is. So 'offensive' and 'unfunny' are concepts difficult to separate.

Ross keeps up a line of patter that relies almost entirely on offensive references. If you are not easily offended, then he is a an amusingly joshing host. But, for me, with my sensibilities, Ross lacks the comic chops to justify using this material on public broadcasting in peak slots.

You and your sensibilities! *shakes fist*

I'm offended on an almost daily basis by what I see on TV. Mostly the news (badly written, emotive feature quality reports) and shows where either there is obvious fakery (squabbles amongst X Factor judges), inane content (chefs learning to tango) or just silly repetative storylines and poor acting (Emmerdale). All these things I find to be an offence to my intelligence.

And does anyone care?
Do they f**k.*

*Russell Brand does. But not very well apparently, according to Andrew Sachs' granddaughter who doesn't want to rake up private matters in public that may embarrass her beloved grandfather, but will just tell the readers of The Sun the details of her sexual encounters with Mr Brand.

Quote: Aaron @ October 30 2008, 6:59 PM BST

I like Jim Davidson...?

No you don't.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ October 30 2008, 7:14 PM BST

*Russell Brand does. But not very well apparently

Best thing I've read all day. :D

Quote: zooo @ October 30 2008, 7:15 PM BST

No you don't.

*imagines zooo sticking her fingers in her ears, scrunching her eyes shit tight, and spinning around going "LALALALALALALALAALALALAAAA"*

Tee hee.

Quote: Aaron @ October 30 2008, 7:19 PM BST

Bets thing I've read all day. :D


Good god that felt nice . . .

Quote: Aaron @ October 30 2008, 6:59 PM BST

I like Jim Davidson...?

A comedian many found offensive, but he had the talent to get away with it for a long time despite society's changing sensibilities. He wouldn't today. Twenty years ago Ross would not have been able to get away with his material, but sensibilities have changed. However it needs to be recognised that there are many for whom sensibilities have not changed. Watching Jonathan Ross with my septagenerian mother while my preteen nieces laugh at his anal sex gags is not comfortable viewing.

Well. Ross suspended for 12 weeks with no pay.

God knows what'll happen after that.

Well there's loads of comedians I don't enjoy watching with my mother!

But when she's not in the room, I manage to find them jolly amusing.

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