British Comedy Guide

Brand, Ross and Sachs Page 3

Quote: Winterlight @ October 28 2008, 11:51 PM BST

And Russell Howard can f**k off at the same time.


Hey Aaron, why don't you fu...

Oh come here and give me a hug!

Russell Grant can f**k himself, although he's chubby so it could be difficult.

Russell Crowe can f**k himself at times, he's hit and miss.

Russell Harty has been dead long time, thank f**k.

Russell Square, dunno.

Nooo. not Russell Square!.....

Quote: Winterlight @ October 29 2008, 12:07 AM BST

Hey Aaron, why don't you fu...

Oh come here and give me a hug!

You wouldn't like that!

I reckon he would.

In my humble, it doesn't matter a jot what you think of Brand, Ross, Sachs, or anyone else. There are three "Badgefacts" about this whole thing.

1/ It should never have been broadcast
2/ Having been broadcast, Ross, Brand and their producer should have been queuing up to Sachs and his granddaughter to offer genuine heartfelt apologies, as soon as possible
3/ Having our Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition pass comment on it is entirely ridiculous.

I feel all wrong.

I does agreeing with Badge.



I've said it before Aaron, it scares me too. ;)

What Badge said.

Can't believe that people with the talent and position of Ross and Brand would do something so crass. What a pair of total arses.

And to someone who was in Fawlty!! :O

The Daily Mail had 3 pages of it yesterday, including a front cover ("Sack them") plus a pic of the granddaughter, who's in a performance group called Satanic Sluts. Her photo makes her look like a cross between Miss Whiplash and Jade Goody.

Essentially, this is just something they did which is in poor taste, shouldn't have been broadcast, and for which they should have genuinely apologised. I believe Ross has. Ross should have known better, Brand obviously doesn't. It shows the lack of controls at the BBC at certain levels, and the producer/flunkie involved should be sacked. Right-wing BBC-hating rags like the Mail love this so they can bash the BBC.

Quote: Nigel Kelly @ October 29 2008, 12:13 AM BST

Russell Grant can f**k himself, although he's chubby so it could be difficult.

Russell Crowe can f**k himself at times, he's hit and miss.

Russell Harty has been dead long time, thank f**k.

Russell Square, dunno.

Missed out Russell T Davies. Definitely sack him.

The Daily Mail are going to town on it because Russell Brand had a pop at them recently, but the thing that pisses me off the most is the Prime Minister having a say. It's got f**k all to do with him, he's not qualified to run the country let alone judge broadcasting standards.

Brand and Ross made a mistake, they are both comics that are controversial which is why they have their jobs at the BBC. The media and the government are a lot more influential in our lives and they make horrendous mistakes all the time yet they feel they should have a pop.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 28 2008, 11:36 PM BST

It really isn't.

Actually it is, the Licence Fee is a big poll tax.

That it's going towards huge salaries for second rate performers sacked from other broadcasters.

That they can't even control their output.

And again this is nothing to do with PC.

It's just rudeand artless.

Quote: ContainsNuts @ October 29 2008, 10:10 AM BST

The Daily Mail are going to town on it because Russell Brand had a pop at them recently.

Yes, Brand said (according to The Guardian): "I would like to remind the Daily Mail [sic] that while it is a bit bad to leave a swearword on Andrew Sachs' answerphone, what's worse - leaving a swearword on Andrew Sachs' answerphone or tacitly supporting Adolf Hitler when he took charge of the Third Reich?

"When he became chancellor in the old late 1930s the Daily Mail printed a letter from a lord going 'this Hitler might be all right'. And once old Blackshirt Oswald Mosely came to prominence in this country the Daily Mail went, 'Hurrah for our blackshirted chums'."

"On one hand you have upset Manuel, on the other you have millions and millions of dead people supported by a powerful media institution."

"It's up to you the listener to decide which is worse. Offending Manuel, for which I apologise, or is it worse to tacitly support the death of millions?"

As for this whole incident, speaking as a former media student, I think that if Brand and Ross have apologised, that is a step in the right direction. I wouldn't go as far as sacking them, but I might fine them or reduce their salaries as some form of punishment. Ultimately I think you would probably have to pin the blame on the person who decided that the "sketch" was allowed to be broadcast in the first place.

PC as I maybe that's a bogus story.

The Daily Mail may have been the last paper to condemn Hitler.

But Gandhi, Baden Powell, Churchill and many others admired Hitler well into the 30s.

Till Hitler started rounding people up and backing Fscist Spain he was viewed as an exiting leader, who busted recession.

Moseley was hugely popular for a long time in this country.

A crapulent comedic illiterate like Brand, turning himself into a post-historic Nazi buster.

That's beyond irony.

If Brand wants to fight fsacism then Searchlight, Simon Wiesenthal centre etc would all love his support.

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