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*Sends Aaron some snow.* :D

Andy keeps saying "OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod!"

Thankies. I shall await it most eagerly.

"Dad, if you hear the door slam in the night, then I've gone out into the snow."
"Remember your key, Andy."

Quote: Aaron @ October 28 2008, 9:21 PM BST

Thankies. I shall await it most eagerly.

*Imagines Aaron sitting confused in three days time; looking at a sodden box with a dribble of water at the bottom.*

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ October 28 2008, 9:23 PM BST

"Dad, if you hear the door slam in the night, then I've gone out into the snow."
"Remember your key, Andy."


And now for the important question: is he wearing his shorts again?

I missed the snow! I was there! I was there!

And I left.

Stupid South London.

Haha! That's Dad in the shorts! I just went out in it, and it was *immense*.

It's not even raining anymore here. Teary

I feel cheated.

Your snow is in the post!

Might be a bit soggy...

I will enchant it!

Good thunking.

And my cartillage piercing is like frozen... for Aaron and Zooo

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