British Comedy Guide

Interesting? Page 3

Quote: ajp29 @ June 23, 2007, 4:04 PM

Look at it go!

You killed it.

Quote: charley rance @ June 23, 2007, 4:08 PM

I dont know what to wear tonight. Shall I go out all 60's looking. Era not age. Or shall I go 80s' with pixie boots and a short dress. Need to look kind of feminine. On account of the hair. I dont mean to keep mentioning the hair but erm! Have i told you about it yet.

Stay in until it's grown back.

I vote 80s. I do love pixie boots.

Ah, the decade fashion forgot. But it gave us Maggie (and some great sitcoms), so I'll forgive it. :)

(Not to mention quite a number of prominent members here.)

Is it really really really REALLY short Charley?

(the hair not the skirt)

short dress

Well all I can say on my hair! Which I dont like to talk about too much.Laughing out loud Is it is a bit like Twiggys in the 60's only it is all different lengths & the longest wisp goes to my jaw. I do like it. It is very funky but I have never had it short before & I am afraid.

Afraid of the dark?

of Cabbages?

Of being called a boy.

Wouldn't the physical differences give it away that your not?

Not from the back. Unless I wear a dress. Then they may think I am a he/she or something. I am pretty sure once I turn around they will go "WoW" Laughing out loud

Wear a big comedy moustache and a short skirt the drunks will self terminate unable to decide what they should do :D

Laughing out loud I may do that then. My husband cried when I went from blonde to dark & he has not spoken to me since I went short. I think it's great.

lol blonde to brunette is a shock... I got a soft spot for the brunette barmaid she is incredible lol

Is she. Tell her on the WWW that you lurrrrrrrve her.
Please dont tell me she has long flowing locks though cause I will be mad.
So here is a topic off the other topic.
Blondes V Brunettes.

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