British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 470

Is she the one they're always saying they want to move out?
How old is she?

The mother in 'The Family' is the most vile and ghastly looking woman I have ever laid eyes on. She looks like a rough, slutty hooker, as do all of her daughters.

Quote: zooo @ October 22 2008, 9:32 PM BST

Is she the one they're always saying they want to move out?
How old is she?


Bloody hell!

I don't like the parents. I know she's a massive pain in the arse, but that's a bit early to be trying to get rid of her.

Have you watched it Zooo? The daughter has no respect or values. I would have been much stricter on her. She wraps her dad round her little finger.

I've watched maybe 2-ish episodes.
I know she's horrible but I just don't like parents who make their kids feel unwanted like that.

I love the son!!! But whenever I watch it it's all about that bloody daughter.

The Big Bang Theory Laughing out loud

Quote: EllieJP @ October 22 2008, 9:59 PM BST

Have you watched it Zooo? The daughter has no respect or values. I would have been much stricter on her. She wraps her dad round her little finger.

She behaves the exact way a 12 year old would. Her brother is more mature than her and he is only 14 himself. I don't think they want to force her to move out. I think it's a case of if she does try to live on her own for a while, she may learn to fend for herself and learn that she can't always have it her way. It's not just the parents who get it from her, the other kids do too.

Blimey at 19, I was out of the house, working, studying, and cooking and cleaning for myself!

We all know what line of employment you were in.

Just finished watching this week's episode of Dirty Jobs. Does it air in the UK?

The poor host had to castrate lambs and pull the testicles out with his teeth. Nasty!

Quote: Aaron @ October 23 2008, 1:24 PM BST

We all know what line of employment you were in.

You were always such a good tipper.

You're getting me confused with someone else. I don't tip.

But he does use hookers...


Only in a way like what was at the museum.

You murder them? :O

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