Found this site today when having a gander for sites concerning comedy writing, seems I've hit the mother load with like minded individuals as you all seem to be as smitten as I with the gorgeous little beast we call comedy.
Favourite people/shows?
Far far too many mention...I seem to jump between favourites, atm it's Marion & Geoff as I think Brydon is a genius.
Being show specific will take too long so here's a list off the top of my head...
Dan Kitson
Lord Noble
The Izzard (of course)
Rob Brydon
King Connolly (you have to like Billy, no excuses)
Special mention to Mitchell & Webb too as they seem to be getting funnier and funnier.
I'm hoping to submit some scripts/sketches for your perusal in the not too distant future and would love to hear what you think.
Lovely to meet y'all
p.s. The first person to share my passion for the show "Human Remains" gets a mars bar