British Comedy Guide

Good day to you sirs and sirettes.

Found this site today when having a gander for sites concerning comedy writing, seems I've hit the mother load with like minded individuals as you all seem to be as smitten as I with the gorgeous little beast we call comedy.

Favourite people/shows?

Far far too many mention...I seem to jump between favourites, atm it's Marion & Geoff as I think Brydon is a genius.

Being show specific will take too long so here's a list off the top of my head...

Dan Kitson
Lord Noble
The Izzard (of course)
Rob Brydon
King Connolly (you have to like Billy, no excuses)

Special mention to Mitchell & Webb too as they seem to be getting funnier and funnier.

I'm hoping to submit some scripts/sketches for your perusal in the not too distant future and would love to hear what you think.

Lovely to meet y'all :)

p.s. The first person to share my passion for the show "Human Remains" gets a mars bar :)

Good evening.

Hello Wave

I'm a keen collector of actual human remains, does that count?

Hello! Wave

Quote: Leevil @ October 21 2008, 7:56 PM BST

Hello Wave

I'm a keen collector of actual human remains, does that count?

Kinda, I'll send you a spleen instead :)

Ooo with a caramel center?

Like everything else today, this is reminding me of Jack the Ripper.

Hi Mixmasterfestus!

Laughing out loud


Hello and welcome! :)



I like Mars bars.


Konnichiwa! Wave

Hello Dave!

I think you'll find it's more like:



Cross my palm with silvers.

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