British Comedy Guide

Arthur Arkins T'Chat Show (audio clip)

So I had this idea and was dying to try it out. It's a very, very rough cut and probably not all that funny at the minute. Just wanna know if it's the kinda thang people would listen to before, y'know I put real effort in.

Not sure whether to keep it audio only either, original thought was animating it South Park style, but is it worth it?

Apologies for the sound quality and my ever changing accent and stuff lol.


I quite liked Winehouse's voice.

Hah hah hah, yes I liked t'voice as well. It was funnier for being audio only, as you had to imagine what state she was in.

Good stuff.

Cheers dudes.

Anymore feedback? :D

I still like Winehouse's voice. ;)


Quote: Leevil @ October 13 2008, 5:09 PM BST

Anymore feedback? :D

I really don't know what you're aiming for with this, Leevil.

It seemed rather childish in that it was just some silly voices.

This from the man who did that infamous 'Aide' sketch.

I dunno - I think you spent more time on putting the sound effects in than working on the actual material.

Why don't you work out a script for Arthur and have something actually happen on the show? Write a funny interview between Arthur and Amy or whoever. Then you've got yourself a proper character and a proper sketch to show off.

Cheers guys. I know I went over the top with sound effects, it was really a test to see if I could technically do it and I thought it was funny enough to put it up here and see if it had an appeal.

WL, I was pretty much aiming for an Alan Partridge radio style show. Glad you liked the Aide sketch (Call me Tony) ;).

I'll reet a better script and come back later.


The sound effects were actually very well slipped in. It did genuinely feel as though there was an audience there.

You may want to invest in a better microphone though, Leevil. The sound was lacking depth.

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