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Sunshine Page 2

Must say i enjoyed this, :)

I think it was nice just to sit down and watch not expecting, funny, funny, funny. Which is what I like about comedy drama I guess, you allow yourself to be drawn in by the story and av' a wee chuckle along the way.

(with a sitcom you just expect maybe too much at times (especially if trying your hand at writing one, you seem to watch it from a different perspective))

I know some may say it held very few laughs, maybe so but for me it ticked the right boxes in many ways.

Thumbs up! :)

I liked it. Too long and Coogan mugged a tad too much, but enjoyable stuff.

Thought this was really good. Good to see a lot of familiar faces from Early Doors as well (I think about half the cast were in it) Cash and Mealey's characters were pretty much identical as well as the guy who played Tommy but I didn't mind that, In fact I thought it was pretty cool and something for Early Doors fans to enjoy.

This was not bad. I'm a bit sick of seeing BBC sitcoms set in Manchester. But this one I can just about tolerate.

Quote: Eat_My_Shirts @ October 8 2008, 5:31 PM BST

This was not bad. I'm a bit sick of seeing BBC sitcoms set in Manchester. But this one I can just about tolerate.

Interesting you vshould say that, as I think it would have worked better sliced into 6 30 minute episodes.

I really enjoyed this, but it definitely isn't a sitcom. Even calling it a comedy is pushing it a bit, I think.
There are some lighter moments but, because we know what Bing's problem is from the outset, we know that they are a veneer which is getting thinner as the consequences of his gambling catch up with him.

I'm a fan of Royale Family & Early Doors but I thought this was poor.

OK, so it wasn't a comedy, but almost all the funny moments were either very old jokes or signposted way ahead. And the scene in the toilet was just a childish and very lazy, cheap laugh.

As for drama, was there any? Everything that happened was blindingly obvious. So much so in fact, that I can't help thinking that if this hadn't been written by Cash & Mealey it wouldn't have got anywhere near production. (And I'm not even a writer, so no jealousy jibes).

Like a few others I also thought Cash looked ill but what wasn't a surprise was that he plays the same character for the umpteenth time. He may be a good writer and director, but as an actor he's just incredibly limited. As is Mealey.

And what imaginative casting...aside from Cash & Mealey we had 4 other Early Doors regulars. Jobs for your mates!

Coogan seemed to goon his way through the first three quarters of the show as if he was suffering from on camera tourettes.

And some of the production values were very ropey. Coogan's wig in the first few scenes we see him in was shocking. Surely they can afford better than that?
Some of the dubbing left a lot to be desired too.

Lisa Millett's (Bernadette) was easily the best performance.

I was really looking forward to this but only sheer bloody-mindedness stopped me switching off before the end.

I'm not saying it was perfect but I think there were enough good things about it to make it worth sticking with.

Yeah, this is looking good. Thought it was way more a drama with a little comedy - but good none the less. However I got the 'sting' twist at the end before it happened. (there again that's happened with The Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, The Villiage, The Others, etc).

Just watched this on iplayer - definitely worth sticking with - jokes are a bit tagged on though- feels as if the writers don't want to use up much new comedy material on a drama- there were a few recognisable lines from Early Doors that they sneaked in.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ October 9 2008, 9:36 AM BST

Yeah, this is looking good. Thought it was way more a drama with a little comedy - but good none the less. However I got the 'sting' twist at the end before it happened. (there again that's happened with The Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, The Villiage, The Others, etc).

Maybe you actually have a sixth sense

It would be hard to find a bigger Cash, Mealey and Coogan fan than myself I once orgasmed at the thought of a third series of Early Doors but I have to agree with much of Stuart Collie comments the delay sting has been used far to often recently.

I haven't orgasmed (yet) but wouldn't that be something , a third series , loved Sunshine , love everything with Cash and Mealey in it. A comedy with drama , episodes were too long , indeed would be better 6x30 min. I am absolutely not a Coogan fan , but I can sit this series out , without annoying myself , I loved seeing the old Early Doors actors.

Now the boys are free , Sunshine is running , preparations for a 3rd series Early Doors can begin , people....!!!

Quote: Britcom Barry @ October 12 2008, 5:58 PM BST

It would be hard to find a bigger Cash, Mealey and Coogan fan than myself I once orgasmed at the thought of a third series of Early Doors but I have to agree with much of Stuart Collie comments the delay sting has been used far to often recently.

Tonight's episode (and the whole series, so far) was somewhat predictable, but I enjoyed it very much.

Missed the first 20 minutes but luckily came in right as he got his revenge on fake was that punch? :P

Not bad but it is kind of fluffy. I could have done without the part with all the impressions on the video phone. I got what it was trying to show but it just kept going and just made you forget you were watching the character and instead Steve Coogan the famous comedian.

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