Simon Owen
Saturday 18th November 2006 3:43am
1 posts
Hi I’m Simon, I handle the website.
Aaron, yep I’m with you all the way, watching stuff online, i.e. streamed, can be a bind. We are working hard to make the online experience better for our visitors, in fact we have a rather nifty bit of Flash in development right now that amongst other things will incorporate smart buffering, playlists and our first shot at the ‘holy grail’ decent full screen playback.
Now the downloads... we will be offering downloads of selected stuff very soon, but there are a few issues to deal with. First and foremost is money, or more specifically our lack of it is a start up company, cash is very tight, storage and internet bandwidth is expensive. Porn, the first episode of Acting Up, streams out at 50Mb, the high quality mpeg is 510Mb, so, in these early stages by only offering a Flash video stream we can reach 10 times more viewers for the same bandwidth usage.
DRM is also an issue, we won’t be producing everything that is available to view on the maggot website and some content owners will, rightfully, want to maintain control over the distribution of their copyright, so no matter what, some content may never be available for hi res download.
Reliability: again it’s early days for maggot, the IT Infrastructure that our budget allows us at the moment would struggle to handle multiple half-gig downloads, flash streaming and people browsing the site all at the same time.
Stay with us folks, we’re new but we’re moving fast. We are listening to your comments on both the content and the site, Maggot needs viewers, so you can guarantee we will be doing everything we can to keep you coming back for more!