Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2008, 1:51 PM BSTHmm so as long as you show one racist stereotype at a time that's not racist?
Are you being ironic?
No he's being Aaronic!
Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2008, 1:51 PM BSTHmm so as long as you show one racist stereotype at a time that's not racist?
Are you being ironic?
No he's being Aaronic!
Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 8 2008, 1:54 PM BSTFair comment, Tommy.
But we can't change the past. Protesting against a sketch isn't the answer for the Filipinos in my view. Laughing at it and in tandem offering some postive alternative view of their own community would be more likely to win me over. Can't speak for anyone else but right now, in my eyes, the ones who are complaining aren't gaining my symapthy or empathy.
True enough. It all depends on where you come from (literally). Filipinos might not be prepared to take it in good humour if it is too close to the truth for those in menial jobs; (B) an image they are made to live with on a daily basis which they want to reject and forget.
Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2008, 1:51 PM BSTAre you being ironic?
Not in the slightest.
Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 8 2008, 1:54 PM BSTFair comment, Tommy.
But we can't change the past. Protesting against a sketch isn't the answer for the Filipinos in my view. Laughing at it and in tandem offering some postive alternative view of their own community would be more likely to win me over. Can't speak for anyone else but right now, in my eyes, the ones who are complaining aren't gaining my symapthy or empathy.
Well put.
Quote: Tommy Power @ October 8 2008, 2:04 PM BSTTrue enough. It all depends on where you come from (literally). Filipinos might not be prepared to take it in good humour if it is
too close to the truth for those in menial jobs; (B) an image they are made to live with on a daily basis which they want to reject and forget.
But is it either of the two? I've never come across this apparent "stereotype" previously, so would question the validity of argument B in this case, in this country.
If Filipinos don't wanna be stereotyped as maids, then they should venture out a little, and try their hand at some other jobs.
There's no smoke without fire.
May explain a little more why it's a little hard for some of them to see the funny side.
Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2008, 7:47 PM BSThttp://www.yehey.com/news/Article.aspx?id=178347
May explain a little more why it's a little hard for some of them to see the funny side.
Tough. I'm not even going to read that link; it's a harmless sketch. Its playing with stereotypes, sure, but its not being derogatory to anyone other than perhaps someone who is smug and middle class. I don't see why the sketch even needs defending-It Is Not Racist. Christ this sort of thing pisses me off-go after the real f**king racists, not some silly little NON-RACIST sketch on Harry Enfields show!
Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2008, 1:51 PM BSTHmm so as long as you show one racist stereotype at a time that's not racist?
You're like the racist police you are!
I'm not a fan of pointlessly offensive jokes at all, but the simple fact is every joke has a target - and the target of this sketch is clearly Enfield's character.
I think that anyone who considers the sketch to be racist or sexist has completely missed the point of the joke.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 8 2008, 7:56 PM BSTTough. I'm not even going to read that link; it's a harmless sketch. Its playing with stereotypes, sure, but its not being derogatory to anyone other than perhaps someone who is smug and middle class. I don't see why the sketch even needs defending-It Is Not Racist. Christ this sort of thing pisses me off-go after the real f**king racists, not some silly little NON-RACIST sketch on Harry Enfields show!
You're like the racist police you are!
Taking pleasure in ignorance is like enjoying not being toilet trained.
It may be unintentionally racist, but it's still racist.
And frankly I despise the attitude that the only real racists wear swastikas and white hoods.
And let's ditch the word racism. Harry Enfield belittled the experiences and insulted needlessly a big group of people.
Maybe by accident, but the hurt was real. Or are we living in a world where any insult is ok if it's for a laugh.
They're people with every right to feel proud and happy in them selves. If that offends you so deeply might I suggest you take a long look in the mirror.
Quote: Ian G @ October 8 2008, 10:43 PM BSTI'm not a fan of pointlessly offensive jokes at all, but the simple fact is every joke has a target - and the target of this sketch is clearly Enfield's character.
I think that anyone who considers the sketch to be racist or sexist has completely missed the point of the joke.
Even an anal wart like Jim Davidson has got just enough intelligence to say racist?
Nah I'm mocking racism and political correctness by making jokes about gays and blacks.
False irony and sympathy are pretty bogus.
Soot, if you don't like Harry Enfield, then don't watch his show. It's your right to switch it off.
I for one won't listen to the thought police telling me what I should and shouldn't find funny.
Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2008, 1:15 PM BSTIf that was true Nuremberg would have ended with some one saying, I didn't think I was being antisemitic.
Well, the Nazis did a bit more than tell Jewish jokes. I'm not trying to troll or anything, just saying the comparison is a little extreme. What's that thingy called when the Holocaust inevitably comes up in an internet debate. I'll see if I can find it.
Quote: sootyj @ October 8 2008, 1:15 PM BSTIt's more like if the US celebrated independence day by burning British effigies, and having national call a Brit a wanker day.
You guys aren't supposed to know about that. Who told you?
Quote: dingo @ October 9 2008, 12:22 AM BSTWhat's that thingy called when the Holocaust inevitably comes up in an internet debate.
Quote: Aaron @ October 8 2008, 1:37 PM BSTI expect he did, and that's why they wrote it and included it.
Much like 90% of my posts.
true dat.
Quote: Aaron @ October 9 2008, 12:24 AM BSTPredictable?
It is that, but the name I had heard before was Godwin's Law.
Very interesting Lee your long writing career. Thanks for troubling to type that lot in.
If the Filipino maid character had been replaced with a Swedish Au Pair, would it be as "offensive"?
Or how about if the maid was replaced with a Geordie slag, complete with white stilettos, boob tube and badly-applied fake leg-tan? Would that be offensive? Course not. Totally acceptable.
Stereotypes are funny, whichever way you look at it. All the great comedy characters are based on stereotypes. The stupid one. The sexy one. The deluded one. the racist one. And race is such a subjective thing anyway. Look at Apu in The Simpsons. A money-obsessed Asian immigrant, selling substandard, out-of-date crap in his corner shop for ridiculously-inflated prices. Now is that a fair representation of ALL Asian corner shop owners? Of course not. But it's a perfect facsimile of the guy that runs Ali's round the corner from my Dad. Does that make me a racist, even recognizing the similarity between Ali and Apu? Would the character of Apu even get past the first draft stage in a British show? No way. But because it's an American show we let it slide.
Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 9 2008, 1:08 AM BSTVery interesting Lee your long writing career. Thanks for troubling to type that lot in.
Cheers Frankie - I don't really see it as a "career" yet - more like a f**king long, gruelling apprenticeship.