Sadly, your average electronic engineer wouldn't know cool if it bit him on the arse. I ought to know, I was one, briefly. They are the most boring c**ts on the face of the earth.
Comedy Lab 2009 Page 3
Quote: Griff @ October 6 2008, 7:12 PM BSTSadly, your average electronic engineer wouldn't know cool if it bit him on the arse. I ought to know, I was one, briefly. They are the most boring c**ts on the face of the earth.
Hmmm I used to work in a gateaux factory (no jokes about my waistline please) on the night shift, and those guys were the most humourless, boring wankers I've ever met. I got the sack for writing a poem about what lazy bastards the day shift were and leaving it for them to discover. Holy shit it's all coming back to me.
The management actually stopped production and called everyone into the canteen (about a 100 workers) and demanded to know who'd written the offensive poem. And if nobody owned up, overtime would be cancelled. Of course I had to get up and do the walk of shame to the manager's office where I was summarily dismissed for erm...well, poetry.
That is the best possible reason for being fired.
I've only been fired once. For not grating cheese fast enough.
But poetry beats that easily.
Quote: Perry Nium @ October 6 2008, 8:29 PM BSTHmmm I used to work in a gateaux factory (no jokes about my waistline please) on the night shift, and those guys were the most humourless, boring wankers I've ever met. I got the sack for writing a poem about what lazy bastards the day shift were and leaving it for them to discover. Holy shit it's all coming back to me.
The management actually stopped production and called everyone into the canteen (about a 100 workers) and demanded to know who'd written the offensive poem. And if nobody owned up, overtime would be cancelled. Of course I had to get up and do the walk of shame to the manager's office where I was summarily dismissed for erm...well, poetry.
The only thing that disappointed me about this story was that you didn't write the poem in frosting.
Quote: David Bussell @ October 6 2008, 8:34 PM BSTThe only thing that disappointed me about this story was that you didn't write the poem in frosting.
'Frosting'??? We say 'icing' over here
I love that story Perry. And zooo's. Can we have more detail on zooo's?
There isn't any!
The chef didn't like me because I didn't want to grate my fingers down to the knuckle, in order to provide the old age pensioners of leafy Buckingham with their salad garnishes.
And she may have heard me call her a f**king sow under my breath.
I got the sack for writing a poem about what lazy bastards the day shift were
I don't suppose you can remember a couple of lines?
Funny story Perry. Although I imagine at the time when they got you all into the canteen it was a pretty scary moment.
Quote: Seefacts @ October 6 2008, 7:08 PM BSTI always assumed the 'x' was added to make it sound exciting. Like the word 'sex'.
Here's the boring answer: TX is the telegraph abbreviation for "transmission". Lazy TV people can't be bothered to write "transmission date" so "tx" has become the standard way in TV production circles to denote the date a TV show is scheduled for transmission.