Ahhhhhhhhh! I see. Well we will have to ask Walker on that & hope he will inform us that's not the case.
Big Breverin! (WARNING: Political Agenda) Page 2
Quote: Walker @ June 17, 2007, 8:53 PMMy opinion is: Racism still exists, and i am glad that the vile girl got thrown out for using a racist slur. But the fact is, racism works both ways, i ahve seen the black girl in the house use "white girl" a number of times as well as saying the same slur herself atleast once before the incident, but she hasn't been questioned. It is all over the media, TV, Film, etc, were works like "oinky" "cracker" and "white boy" are not considered racist. Well it is. The point of this came from anger within me that said 'enough is enough' so i wrote this to voice my opinion. This sketch portrays how i see the one-sider PC society we have today. I know it is going to tick some people off, but you can't tell me it is right for one race to be pressured into PC language while another gets away with racism.
EDIT: charley - it is one inspiration, i like that character because it really does play on the PC part of it, not the 'other side of racism' as i see it though. Didn't go in the same direction of reacting by bringing up the slave trade and all that jazz.
I *think* isee what you are doing here, though the engine you are using to do it may be flawed. Am I right in assuming you are trying to lampoon the whole racism thing but segregating your characters to act in a abusive way to each other but when the threat of inclusivity appears they back off and accuse an outside of racism? In other words, making a point about how different ethnic backgrounds use different language which they can also use as a defence to anyone not of their own background entering their social strata?
A double standard? I can, you can't sort of thing?
Still didn't really find it all that funny, tho. Got to be honest.
I hate black people too so I liked it. I don't see your point walker if a black guy is racist to me I just phone the police and get them to beat him up, unless its a black policeman then I have to lynch both of them myself. I wonder what caused that 'us against them' mentallity, oh yeah slavery.
But seriously have you ever been denied a job because of you're colour? Have you ever been driven out of a community because of your coulour? Have you ever been stopped by the police because of your coulour? Being mildly annoyed by an ethnic minority asserting their identity is not racism its petty. The sketch was pointless, sorry walker.
That's the thing, it isn't pointless because it exists. This will not affect anything, so in that way it is pointless, but it is my opinion vented through a sketch. It is the incident in the BB house that has caused this, and to my knowledge no complaints where registered to OFCOM for the girl who used racist comments towards her white housemates, nor was anything done about it. Which is shameful. This sketch describes the situation (over-exaggerated obviously) as i see it, nothing seems to protect, nor does anyone care about, racism towards the white race. While the black community and the Asian community are protected by political correctness (also over-exaggerated).
I think this sketch is awful, ignorant, slightly racist and down right unfunny. And if you seriously think words like cracker and honkey have the same connotations and cause anywhere near the offense the the N word does then I'm sorry but you need to go pick up a history book. White people have never suffered racism to the same extent as black people and Asian people, so we can't even begin to understand racism in those terms.
Quote: charley rance @ June 18, 2007, 12:47 AMBadge I see where you are coming from & to a certain extent I am in agreement, I supose I am just looking at it from a different angle.
Are you lying down then? Or bending over?
David you are so wude! I was actualy doing my bendy exercises & had my head between my legs, my arms between my ears and and my tongue was........................................Typing David. T Y P I N G..xx
Quote: ajp29 @ June 18, 2007, 8:21 AMHave you ever been driven out of a community because of your coulour? Have you ever been stopped by the police because of your coulour?
White men can't spell!
Quote: charley rance @ June 18, 2007, 8:53 PMDavid you are so wude! I was actualy doing my bendy exercises & had my head between my legs, my arms between my ears and and my tongue was........................................Typing David. T Y P I N G..xx
Is it a double pronged tongue?
Quote: Walker @ June 18, 2007, 7:51 PMWhile the black community and the Asian community are protected by political correctness (also over-exaggerated).
I've never understood this thing about "political correctness gone mad". I don't even believe there's such a thing as "political correctness", but if people mean trying to treat everybody with respect and not discriminating against them on grounds of race, sexuality, gender, age, (dis)ability, etc, then I'm all for it.
Everyone should treat everyone with respect - but there are those who talk about "Nuff respec" who don't know the meaning of the word.
What they mean is fear - not respect. Also learning to be responsible for your actions and not thinking the state will pick up the tab!
Quote: Martin Holmes @ June 18, 2007, 8:30 PMI think this sketch is awful, ignorant, slightly racist and down right unfunny. And if you seriously think words like cracker and honkey have the same connotations and cause anywhere near the offense the the N word does then I'm sorry but you need to go pick up a history book. White people have never suffered racism to the same extent as black people and Asian people, so we can't even begin to understand racism in those terms.
No, that is ignorance. White people have enver suffered racism? What about the hundreds of years when Persians made the Greeks slaves? What about when many white farmers where driven out of Africa? Not to mention the obvious of Jews under the Egyptians (though they are not exactly white, they are treat as inferior).
And you have also picked up on the entire point of the sketch. Why shouldn't words like "cracker" and "oinky" be as offensive as "nigger"? It is this kind of downright ignorance by people who can't see before the times of black slavery that means the caucasian race can be subject to racism without anything being done.
"Awful" and "Unfunny" i accept as true criticism though.
The sketch is racist. Your squirming comments seem pretty racist, too.
I would say this writing is of no merit.
I have to say I'm not too comfortable throwing 'racist' at people because we all have our own take on the word. But I've gotta say that this really isn't a pleasant piece of writing.
I've only just read this (maybe I was avoiding it). I can see the 'point', more or less, of what you've tried to do here (or think I can) ... but the result is indeed racist ... there's no other way to describe it. It's the stuff of the Klan, the way the Nazis operated and the way so much of that kind of thing still happens in the world today. Just because you've, in your mind, reversed the roles, doesn't make it any less so ... or any more palatable. Racism is unforgivable whoever practices it. The piece isn't even remotely funny either (I believe this is supposed to be a comedy forum) ... its just very very sad ... and trawling back through history doesn't let you off the hook either. Dammit, you can clearly 'write' so write something else. There are lots of different ways to get even this message across if you think about it. F**k it! ... that's all I've got to say. I never thought I'd find myself here writing a crit like this.