It's Friday, let's have a fight.
This is a bit like the Loved and Loathed thread, but different.
We all have traits that we spot in other people which tell us whether we are going to like those people. (Personal appearance not allowed!)
For example, if I see somebody striding down the street talking into their mobile phone using a Bluetooth headset, then it is going to take a lot of convincing for me to cross them off my twat list. It doesn't mean that Bluetooth handsets are bad in themselves - but rightly or wrongly I probably won't like the sort of person who does this.
Simultaneously, I assume anyone I see wasting their life pottering in second-hand bookshops when it's sunny and they ought to be outside instead is probably the kind of person I would like, even though they most likely have autism and some kind of OCD.
So what are your Comedy equivalent indicators?
The show that always makes my heart sink is Red Dwarf. I meet someone who starts banging on about Red Dwarf and they are dead to me. They might as well be showing me their collection of trainspotting numbers and inviting me to go metal collecting.
Conversely, I always think that anyone I know who likes I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue is probably a good person, someone who listens to the radio, and enjoys silliness.
These are wild and extreme prejudices I know, but they are mine.
What are yours?