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Maybe it was a leprechaun.

Quote: Aaron @ October 2 2008, 11:34 AM BST


Maybe it was a leprechaun.

I'm hoping it was a child, since I don't like the idea of animals suffering.

Go back and have a look. Go on. You know you want to.

Baby deer, perhaps?

I bet it's a the prince's toupée.
Eeep! I smell a skunk outside my place.

Quote: Curt @ October 2 2008, 11:46 AM BST

I bet it's a the prince's wig.
Eeep! I smell a skunk outside my place.

Do you leave in the wilderness, Curt? I always imagine you in a log cabin chopping wood and wrestling moose.

Quote: chipolata @ October 2 2008, 11:48 AM BST

Do you leave in the wilderness, Curt? I always imagine you in a log cabin chopping wood and wrestling moose.

I grew up in Northern Ontario but we had a gas stove (a lot of my friends and neighbors still have a fireplace as their only source of heat.
I live in a city now leaving only Saturdays to wrestle moose.

Quote: Curt @ October 2 2008, 11:51 AM BST

I grew up in Northern Ontario but we had a gas stove (a lot of my friends and neighbors still have a fireplace as their only source of heat.
I live in a city now leaving only Saturdays to wrestle moose.

Quote: Gavin @ October 2 2008, 12:05 PM BST

Makes yea just wana start wrastlin! YEEE HAW!

Quote: Aaron @ October 2 2008, 11:36 AM BST

Go back and have a look. Go on. You know you want to.

I just went back and had a look in my lunch hour. It's gone. There's just a muddy-red dmear on the road where it was. My, guess, it's Sunday lunch for a family of tinkers now.


A fat fox perhaps?

Oh my.

Oh wow.

I wouldn't be able to eat it all, but I'd flipping well try.


Wanna go halves?

I am very seriously tempted to try one.

:| I just can't think about food now, having remembered something someone said earlier - which was dead creepy and disgusting.

Yes please.


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