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Quote: PhQnix @ September 29 2008, 5:21 PM BST

Do not smash it on the floor. That always ends badly. Yet that's still my immediate solution, everytime.

Anyone else find the layout of the second headline both funny and terribly inappropriate...?


And ohhh dear! Laughing out loud Should really not be laughing.

I didn't post on this thread as you're not meant to go off topic there but seriously some of the funniest stuff I've read in a while. Tickled me! haha

Someone magically fix my central heating please?

You're the fairy! If you can't do that none of us can!

*Tries anyway, in vain...*

I can't do plumbing, apparently. *shrugs*

There are certain times of the day on BSG when you think, "School's finished, then." This is one of those times. :)

Quote: chipolata @ September 30 2008, 5:21 PM BST

There are certain times of the day on BSG when you think, "School's finished, then." This is one of those times. :)

When the two teenagers who frequent the board start posting? Genius conclusion that. :P

School's been out for two hours now! It could've been out for me since 10, but I'm a goody-two-shoes...

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 30 2008, 5:23 PM BST

School's been out for two hours now! It could've been out for me since 10, but I'm a goody-two-shoes...

How old are you? Because it's only teenaged boys I don't like. ;)


Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 30 2008, 5:27 PM BST


Damn! Too old for me. ;)

*slaps thigh* Damn! Unlucky me!

Quote: chipolata @ September 30 2008, 5:28 PM BST

Damn! Too old for me. ;)

Hmmm. Is it bad that I think this is good? :P

We apparently have heating now, but my parents refuse to turn it on because it's not the first of October yet. :|

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 30 2008, 6:29 PM BST

We apparently have heating now, but my parents refuse to turn it on because it's not the first of October yet. :|

We were supposed to get new windows this months. Now all flats in the house have new ones but ours. They must've run out of new windows or something. So now it's freezing cold here, because the windows we have are 40 - 100 years old.

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