I'm not as tough and dark as I have led you to believe. I am in fact a total pussy cat. I just put across that image because I am a shy little bunny. I want you to know the real me. I love romantic films like Love actually, I enjoy long walks in the rain, reading poetry, collecting little cat trinkets, and talking about my feelings.
I also love to knit and I have adopted two cute ickle puppies who I have called Mittens and Fluffpot.

They are just so cute!
I just couldn't keep lying to you all about it. I know I may seem like a touch guy but deep down I am really just a fluffy teddy bear.
Love and kisses, Gav X.
PS My account has in no way been logged into with my permission by a naughty red haired pixie who I trust waaaaaaaaaaaay too much.