British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 397

Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 3:03 PM BST


I hate that episode. Basic idea of the time travelley bit and her dad was alright. But horribly put together, no warmth to it, cold and empty visual design. Generally shite.


The big flappy creatures were a bit weird.
But I liked the rest!
Ah, if only your fave, Simon Pegg had been in it, you would have loved it! ;)

Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 3:10 PM BST

Do it. Except you'd actually be funny.

But it wouldn't work that way. It's a big fat dilemma.

Also, me on stage at a London comedy club? I doubt I'd make it to the intentional side of funny.

Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 3:03 PM BST


Simon Pegg was originally supposed to play her dad. That would have been brilliant. The dad they got was great too though.

I guess he made too many reappearances later on for Simon to have been able to take the part.

Plus he was in 'The Long Game' as 'The Editor'.

Yeah he did that instead.

And had to say the extremely long word that had Hagrafess or summink in it.

Poor bugger.



The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe ("Max" for short).

Quote: Finck @ September 28 2008, 3:18 PM BST

But it wouldn't work that way. It's a big fat dilemma.

Also, me on stage at a London comedy club? I doubt I'd make it to the intentional side of funny.

Even if you weren't funny, everyone would laugh cos they fancied you.
You'd be a winner all round really.

Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 3:23 PM BST

Even if you weren't funny, everyone would laugh cos they fancied you.
You'd be a winner all round really.


Quote: zooo @ September 28 2008, 3:23 PM BST

Even if you weren't funny, everyone would laugh cos they fancied you.
You'd be a winner all round really.

Now you're being funny.

I do see potential for a very cruel bet there, though...

British Isles: A Natural History. Episode 1.

Brilliant programme. Wish they'd made a second series.

Poirot. :D

Did Osama do it?

Yeah, with an explosive vest in the cave.

I'm watching Massive.

I am watching Hitch.
Why, I do not know.

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