British Comedy Guide

Cross-gender avatars

Does having an avatar with a picture of someone of the opposite sex, imply a secret desire to be a transvestite?

Laughing out loud :D :)

Quote: billwill @ September 26 2008, 12:40 AM BST

Does having an avatar with a picture of someone of the opposite sex, imply a secret desire to be a transvestite?

Laughing out loud :D :)



Do you have a secret desire to be a... yellow... dragon thing?

Quote: billwill @ September 26 2008, 12:40 AM BST

Does having an avataor with a picture of someone of the opposite sex, imply a secret desire to be a transvestite?

Laughing out loud :D :)

Why, do you want to be a dragon?

EDIT: Damn, Zooo's too quick

And I want to be a pussy.

Oh, wait.

And I a pizza tossing cat that flies on a carpet talking to Hulk Hogan's head.


Quote: Curt @ September 26 2008, 1:04 AM BST

And I a pizza tossing cat that flies on a carpet talking to Hulk Hogan's head.

"Somewhere over the rainbow..."

Aw. My favourite song...

Billwill, you don't half talk some shit sometimes...

Mein Gott! What does my avatar make me!

Don't answer that

Quote: Tuumble @ September 26 2008, 1:30 AM BST

Mein Gott! What does my avatar make me!

Don't answer that

Laughing out loud
A proud father?

Quote: Tuumble @ September 26 2008, 1:30 AM BST

Mein Gott! What does my avatar make me!

Don't answer that


Haha - I really want to be me! :O Now if that isn't messed up I don't know what is?

Quote: Huge Bear @ September 26 2008, 1:15 AM BST

Billwill, you don't half talk some shit sometimes...

hahaha That, and your avatar really tickled me.

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