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Quote: Nil Putters @ September 25 2008, 11:06 PM BST

That would be a furry cup surely. ;)


I knew what you were doing, Finck!

Quote: zooo @ September 25 2008, 11:09 PM BST

I knew what you were doing, Finck!

What, when, where?

Didn't you do the furry cup joke yourself?
Only more subtly.

Am I crediting you with something you didn't doooooo?

Quote: Finck @ September 25 2008, 11:08 PM BST


Sorry. This is all over my head and I just wanted to join in somehow. *slinks off*

Quote: zooo @ September 25 2008, 11:11 PM BST

Didn't you do the furry cup joke yourself?
Only more subtly.

Am I crediting you with something you didn't doooooo?

I tend to leave those jokes open, so I can freeload comedically, while your dirty minds do all the work.

I won't claim the credit here.

Quote: Finck @ September 25 2008, 11:06 PM BST

Imagine me saying 'Oh Graham'. Wait! ... In an 'Oh Geoffrey' kind of way.


Quote: JuliaC @ September 26 2008, 12:01 AM BST


Everything I do, I do it for you. :)


Quote: JuliaC @ September 26 2008, 12:08 AM BST


Now you're smiling. But when I'm not looking you're running off with Putters.



*Lends Julia his tin opener*

hehe I wish Grahams lurking somewhere Finck. *enter childrens entertainer mode* And if we all shout his name REALLY loudly he might come out to play. OK? Right, after three.

1, 2, 3.... GRAHAM!!!!

*leaves childrens entertainer mode*

Oh, bollocks.......

Quote: Finck @ September 26 2008, 12:09 AM BST

Now you're smiling. But when I'm not looking you're running off with Putters.

:O I've seen you, letting Graham peek under your armour... Teary

Quote: JuliaC @ September 26 2008, 12:15 AM BST

:O I've seen you, letting Graham peek under your armour... Teary

Then use the f**king tin opener, woman, and walk it like you talk it!

I don't think Nil will object.

*Takes tin opener; gets to work*

Nil won't mind, he's got a headache; as long as we take a picture...

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