Friday 15th June 2007 8:19pm [Edited]
6,842 posts
I am going to have to say men (at the moment). There is more choice for a start.
I still think it is hard for women to break into comedy & I do believe they are judged more. Even I am guilty of this in the past myself. Come on be honest, your at Jongleurs one of the acts comes on, its a woman, how many of you assume before she opens her mouth that she wont be that great. Come on you know its true. I am a listener into conversations & I have heard it said. Time & time again.
There are too many old fashioned people still out there. Women talking about sex & swearing is still a bit of a taboo to SOME people.But Hey!. F**k it.
The greatest comedians are those that can do a set or write a sketch where there is no swearing. Of that I am convinced. It is easier to say f**k than to think of an alternative. I however would kill to have the intelligence & humour of Bill Hicks. My all time icon.
One of my fav comedies in the last 5 years is Nighty Night. The 1st series and one episode from the 2nd. Thank god for Julia Davies I say. She wrote one of the darkest comedies seen on television to date. In my opinion many men found that series weird and cringe worthy.From chatting to some womenfolk who did get to see it, they loved it.
Anyhoo I am getting boring now. I have said a million times comedy is in the ears and eyes of the beholder.