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Raspberry cheesecake at 5pm? You'll spoil your tea, Putters.

Cheesecake is god's own pudding.


I don't feel up to 'real' food at the moment. Cheesecake will do nicely.

The name disturbs me sufficiently enough that I doubt I shall ever try it. Sick

Quote: Aaron @ September 25 2008, 5:10 PM BST

The name disturbs me sufficiently enough that I doubt I shall ever try it. Sick

Cheesecake is great. Hmph. Angry

I promise it has nothing to do with cheese whatsoever.

Quote: Aaron @ September 25 2008, 5:10 PM BST

The name disturbs me sufficiently enough that I doubt I shall ever try it. Sick

Up to around a year ago I thought the same. But after actually trying it I saw the light.

Quote: zooo @ September 25 2008, 5:12 PM BST

I promise it has nothing to do with cheese whatsoever.

Apart from all the cream cheese in it.

Sshhh Graham!!!

Okay, it has nothing to do with a block of cheddar. Which is probably what Aaron's thinking.

Hmm. Still... I dunno.

It is delicious.
I could eat it all day!

I like, the already mentioned, raspberry cheesecake and also a nice lemon variant.

Oh, and a chocolate one, obviously.

Quote: Aaron @ September 25 2008, 5:17 PM BST

Hmm. Still... I dunno.

Come on Aaron..... try some cheesecake.
Ha. Ha. Haaaaa. I need a white cat to stroke.

*Imagines a lovely cake with a block of cheddar sticking out of it*

Quote: Charly @ September 25 2008, 5:18 PM BST

Come on Aaron..... try some cheesecake.

I bet they're all really expensive.

And on that note, I should have been to Sainsbury's at least 2 or 3 hours ago.

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