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Writing Partners Page 2

I've mostly written on my own; however, I've collaborated a few times with good results.

Critique is very useful, but it can also become damaging I think. There's what's funny in someones head and then what's funny on TV. You have to try and figure out what's useful and what isn't. I've learnt almost all my trade in BSG critique. I think I've retired from that forum now though.

I got told that one of my scripts was fantastic by a kind of trusted source and with a few changes I would get major interest from prod coms and producers etc. I made the tweaks that were advised, not changing a whole amount. All of the 10+ people I contacted turned it down.

Grown beyond us?

Have we trolls no more to offer?

That said I've learned a lot from critique, and I've seen other writers blossom from it.

Quote: Mike Dan-Carter @ September 24 2008, 10:49 AM BST

I got told that one of my scripts was fantastic by a kind of trusted source and with a few changes I would get major interest from prod coms and producers etc. I made the tweaks that were advised, not changing a whole amount. All of the 10+ people I contacted turned it down.

Maybe you need to tweak it some more?

Quote: sootyj @ September 24 2008, 10:50 AM BST

Grown beyond us?

Have we trolls no more to offer?

No, no, not at all! I just have more of an idea of when something works now.

Quote: Mike Dan-Carter @ September 24 2008, 10:49 AM BST

I got told that one of my scripts was fantastic by a kind of trusted source and with a few changes I would get major interest from prod coms and producers etc. I made the tweaks that were advised, not changing a whole amount. All of the 10+ people I contacted turned it down.

Sending scripts is like boxing the invisible man, you'll only rarely know when you've made a definite hit.

Have you stuck any of your stuff up in critique?

Quote: sootyj @ September 24 2008, 10:52 AM BST

Sending scripts is like boxing the invisible man, you'll only rarely know when you've made a definite hit.

Have you stuck any of your stuff up in critique?

I have to say that I'm always really reluctant to put my material up for critique, no because I fear my stuff will be nicked, and not because I fear negative comments, for some reason I just don't do it.

I read other people's stuff and have read some good stuff on here, some not so good stuff. I guess with a site such as this one you are going to get a mixed bag from time to time.

To date I don't know of anyone claiming that their stuffs been nicked.

Infact if you put it on critique there's a public record you wrote it first. Most people who complain here about plagarism, blame prodcos pinching their stuff.

I've had a couple of polite requests if people can borrow a line or 2.

I'm afraid if you've not sold anything yet it's most likely because your stuff isn't good enough yet.

Hubris arte nemesis (awaits getting his Latin corrected).

Quote: sootyj @ September 24 2008, 10:58 AM BST

I've had a couple of polite requests if people can borrow a line or 2.

Laughing out loud

Oh sorry Chipolata here's the line I said I'd loan you.

"#### f**k you ####"

Please return it when you're finished.

Maybe he was making a cocaine funny.

Sorry, I run a business renting abusive lines.

Here's yours,

"Sitck your #### up a ####, you ##### goat,"

We've just started working for the government.

You can place ads looking for a writing partner. You can do it here.

The thing is, if there is to be a successful collaboration you both have to be on the "same page". You both have to want success in equal measure. You both have to be desperate to succeed. And, perhaps, you need to be complete opposites. He covers the parts that don't come natural to you, and vice versa. One is a volcano and the other is detail oriented.

It's this "opposites" factor that throws so many people off. People assume you have to be great friends in order to create great stuff together but I don't agree. You just have to share the same vision of success and have the same amount of drive & desperation to succeed.

I have advertised for a collaborator here at BSG a few times since June of 2007 but no takers. So I changed the ad to a sketch show group effort but attracted nothing but first draft garbage. The participants had no follow-up "drive". No real indications of wanting to make the group effort work out. They'd just send me their first draft drivel and then bugger off without any follow-up. No checking up to see how things were going. They just used the opportunity to send their first draft tit-wattle to the f**ken dumpster.

I'd reckon 98% of those here at BSG who claim to wanna make a living from their writing are either very scared to succeed or know they are nothing but dabblers and hobbyists of the weakest variety.

Do your research and you will find that most successful collaborations involve opposites.

But again, people are put off by that. They don't have the sense to know how fruitful such a collaboration can be. They figure if you come across personally as someone they'd rather not hang out with socially then there is no chance you could write well together.

Do your research. Most successful writing partners DO NOT hang out socially.

All I will say about the BSG Critique forum is that contrary to Sooty's blandishments, there are at least as many successful writers on BSG who do not post in Critique as those who do. No disrespect to those who do. But I think Sooty is overstating the case for it.

I have collabarated by post with Eileen Wournos. She used to have a really strong Pythonesque vibe.

Then she found christ, then she was executed.

Still atleast I won't to have share those royalties.

More seriously my best sketches have all improved through feedback and group criticism. I attend a couple of writing groups, and that sharpened my writing no end.

Quote: Griff @ September 24 2008, 11:11 AM BST

All I will say about the BSG Critique forum is that contrary to Sooty's blandishments, there are at least as many successful writers on BSG who do not post in Critique as those who do.

Absolutely, I'm certain Palin et al never published there.

But for a starting writer, it's a really, really big help.

Quote: sootyj @ September 24 2008, 11:14 AM BST

But for a starting writer, it's a really, really big help.

I would agree with that.

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