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Did anyone read that story about the English soldier who accidentally released a camel spider into his house, upon returning home from serving in Iraq? It had been hiding in his rucksack, and it jumped out, when he put it down on his bed. They tried to put a pint glass over it, but it was too big! Apparently it scared their little dog so much, that it had to be put down (I don't know the details). Anyway, the spider disappeared, and the family had to fill the house with mousetraps. Imagine coming downstairs in the morning, and finding that in a mousetrap!

Let's hope he goes the same way as Steve Irwin and his stupid stunts kill him.


Did you stamp on a scorpion?!

You have nerves of f**king STEEL. That is amazing. I could stamp on a small arachnid, but not even a beetle. Too crunchy and just... disgusting.

I wielded the Sandal of Death with my hand. I was barefoot at the time, but my shoes were lined up nearby in the hallway and seemed like the perfect anti-scorpion device.

Quote: DaButt @ September 23 2008, 3:15 AM BST

No black widows or brown recluse spiders up there?

None. The worst thing I've ever been bit by is a Pine Beetle. It took a good slice out of my finger. There nasty little guys. We also have some rattle snakes, but they are an endangered species and rare.

Quote: DaButt @ September 23 2008, 3:15 AM BST

Scorpions are not really a big deal. I've actually been stung several times. ON MY NETHER REGIONS. True story.

:O I guess making sweet sweet love in the south is a dangerous option.

Quote: DaButt @ September 23 2008, 1:52 PM BST

I wielded the Sandal of Death with my hand. I was barefoot at the time, but my shoes were lined up nearby in the hallway and seemed like the perfect anti-scorpion device.


I used to find strange (half dead) animals in my house when I had a cat. But I would just shut the door and find someone else to take care of it for me.

I think I'd move if I was confronted with dangerous ones.

Quote: zooo @ September 23 2008, 1:58 PM BST

I think I'd move if I was confronted with dangerous ones.

That would be akin to moving if you saw a bee or wasp in your home. These scorpions aren't deadly. In fact most scorpions can't kill a healthy adult human.

But I'm not healthy! I drink too much coke!!

I'm fairly sure I'd have some sort of tiresome phobia of 'em, like I have with their 8 legged friends. I could deal with little scorpions, but not big ones.

Actually it's probably more about the size than the dangerousness.

If we had bees the size of a football, I'd probably be moving too!

Quote: zooo @ September 23 2008, 2:16 PM BST

If we had bees the size of a football, I'd probably be moving too!

That is a truly scary thought. A ping pong ball sized one would be bad enough.

I've actually heard that the larger a scorpion is, the weaker its venom.

The one I squashed last night was about 3.5 inches long.

Quote: zooo @ September 23 2008, 1:58 PM BST

I used to find strange (half dead) animals in my house when I had a cat. But I would just shut the door and find someone else to take care of it for me.

Haha. I try not to have anything to do with it when Chip does that.

Quote: zooo @ September 23 2008, 2:16 PM BST

But I'm not healthy! I drink too much coke!!

Laughing out loud

Hee. We had baby bunnies, squizzels, pigeons, magpies and mouses, and possibly a cute little hedgehog once.

I didn't really feel sorry for them though, was just impressed by my clever brave cat.

Haha! Aw. Bless.

Worst is frogs. They squeal like you would NOT BELIEEEEEEEEEEEVE.


Quote: zooo @ September 23 2008, 2:16 PM BST

But I'm not healthy! I drink too much coke!!

There's a guy who works with me who always brings in two bottles of pop each day. Could be Coke or Lucozade - he must have gas to work a wind turbine.

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