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Quote: Aaron @ September 22 2008, 11:42 AM BST


This sounds like something Ian would be interested in.

Haha... you know what I mean. Although she'd probably like that!

Quote: chipolata @ September 22 2008, 11:43 AM BST

What does your company actually do? Is it a proper firm, or just a media-fluff thing?

Ummm... we do music stuff! ;)

Quote: EllieJP @ September 22 2008, 11:50 AM BST

Ummm... we do music stuff! ;)

That's not a proper company. A proper company makes girders and paper cups and useful stuff.

I can't really say what we do as we're the primary one of it in the UK which would mean you'd be able to stalk me. Not fun.

Quote: EllieJP @ September 22 2008, 11:54 AM BST

I can't really say what we do as we're the primary one of it in the UK which would mean you'd be able to stalk me. Not fun.

It is the way I do it. ;)

And you do it so well.

Quote: EllieJP @ September 22 2008, 12:04 PM BST

And you do it so well.

It actually wouunds me that you peg me as some sort of deranged stalker. :(

It's not you... it's the thousands of others who read BSG I'm worried about.

Quote: EllieJP @ September 22 2008, 12:12 PM BST

it's the thousands of others who read BSG I'm worried about.

Laughing out loud There's only about twelve hardcore members. And nine of them are probably sooty aliases.

Ha - probably.

Everyone enjoying their Monday morning back at work?

Or their Monday morning lounging on the sofa, watching The Daily Politics. Ohhhhhh yes. Cool

*shakes fist in jealousy*

Ouch... the pain. It hurts! :(

Quote: EllieJP @ September 22 2008, 12:35 PM BST

Everyone enjoying their Monday morning back at work?

No - it's Fresher's Week and therefore not only can you not walk down the street without having flyers thrust at you and being asked if you want to join 100 societies every five paces and bumping into seven or eight terrified lost souls wandering about as if they've never seen a city before, we are treated to a constant thump thump thump of music and announcements you can't quite hear but are enought to keep you constantly distracted.

And the worst thing: all the pubs are full! Angry

Grrrrr... I want a beer.

You work around a university then.

According to my good friend Mr Google, today is the first day of Autumn. WOO HOO!


I'm afraid so, and our two months of student-free bliss are most decidedly up today.

Never mind, I suppose it is quite nice to see them all excited about starting a new phase in their life etc.

Christmas is ace.

(And the students will have gone again then!)

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