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Quote: zooo @ September 21 2008, 9:05 PM BST

Bloody hell, another one of my inexplicable childhood crushes ends up gay.

Who'd a thunk it!

Who's this posh Yell kid?

youtube "Normski yell"

He be there.

Ha. I think I've seen that before. Partially. Yes. I didn't hear the horse-name line though.

I don't like the advert. Erroneous apostrophes. :(

There are?

Yeah. At the end when it flicks through the things you can search for - "DJ'S", "MC'S", etc. *shudder*

Oh blimey.

I was so good and went to sleep at 10pm last night, but then woke up at 12 and couldn't get back to sleep again till 1am! Grrrr.

Why don't you have a little kip now?

I can't... sat on reception covering the PA. Everyone would see.

SO basically, you went to bed at 11pm. Sounds pretty reasonable to me?

Draw eyes on your eyelids, Ellie. It's always worked for me.

Yer, but I think the snoring would give it away!

Quote: EllieJP @ September 22 2008, 11:06 AM BST

sat on reception covering the PA. Everyone would see.


This sounds like something Ian would be interested in.

Quote: EllieJP @ September 22 2008, 11:06 AM BST

I can't... sat on reception covering the PA. Everyone would see.

What does your company actually do? Is it a proper firm, or just a media-fluff thing?

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