Like Frankie making jokes about being Scottish.
Everyone's got a shtick.
Mock The Week - 2007 & 2008 Page 28
The difference being Boyle is funny.
On a show with Andy Parsons and Russell Howard you have to be staggeringly bad to be the unfunniest and yet she manages it every time.
Quote: Spagett @ September 20 2008, 5:14 PM BSTOn a show with Andy Parsons and Russell Howard you have to be staggeringly bad to be the unfunniest
It was like the Russell and Frankie show this week with the occasional line from Hugh- what was the point in the others turning up?? Talk about money for old rope!
Mock the Week = Bunch of B-List comedians who I wouldn't go to see even if you paid me.
Russel Howard in particular is shit. How this guy ever got on TV I will never know. His plain coloured t-shirts get on my nerves. I think he's going through the whole 'Fruit of the Loom' colour chart.
I hope it's purple next.
I neither know what is wrong with plain t-shirts, nor what people have against Russell Howard.
Not a lot, when they have to resort to his clothing choices!
It was a good joke, but Hugh's window cleaner bit reminded me of the similar Armstrong and Miller character- a window cleaner giving open minded, catch all solutions to major world problems but finishing up with 'But what do I know?'
Additionally, Russel's 'Prince' joke looks to have been stolen from the 90's cartoon classic 'Animaniacs' (assuming no one made it sooner).
I didn't get that one for like, a full minute.
Quote: Aaron @ September 20 2008, 10:42 PM BSTI neither know what is wrong with plain t-shirts, nor what people have against Russell Howard.
He isn't at all funny but knowing your taste in comedy its no suprise you dont find anything wrong with Russell Howard...
I think Mock The Week is terrific with Frankie Boyle and Russell Howard being my favourites. Andy Parsons is good but lets himself down with stuff like that boring rant about George Bush which had no jokes, just "George Bush is stupid", yeah well we know that thanks Andy. Hugh seems to struggle a bit on MTW, even though he is fantastic on things like The Now Show. The guests this week were useless.
Quote: Spagett @ September 21 2008, 5:55 AM BSTHe isn't at all funny but knowing your taste in comedy its no suprise you dont find anything wrong with Russell Howard...
Find something wrong with a funny comedian isn't particularly common.
Obviously a lot of people do like Russell Howard, his up-coming tour is nearly all sold out. Not that popularity equals quality or anything.
I don't get the hate for Russell at all.
I really like his comic delivery and how innocent he tries to act when he says things.
Personally for me I prefer Russell to Frankie Boyle.