My worst date just ended, its pretty funny actually we got off the bus she went one way I went the other and that was it We sat through Austin Powers saying nothing and then got the bus back. Jesus that was awkward. There was no ice breaker so it was like the first 30 seconds for 2 hours. Man thats depressing. I'm rambling now. Er my second worst date was probably when my debit card was rejected and I had to go all the way to the cash point because she didn't bring any money, thats what she claims anyway. She wasn't very happy but it was the third date so I still got laid. Yippee. How much is BSG charging for this head shrinking session.
PS. When you know a woman is going to have sex with you don't shout Yippee! it puts them off. But when you ejaculate you have to shout Hayoooo! or something similar just to see what happens.