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Quote: Aaron @ September 16 2008, 11:48 PM BST

All them idiots use drugs.

oO oO That's me!! \0/ *jumps up and down*

He died of a heroine overdose in a bath in France (if Finck hasn't already it posted).

Am I in the top 10 yet Aaron?

Post counts? F**k knows.

Quote: Aaron @ September 17 2008, 12:51 AM BST

Post counts? F**k knows.

Well LOOK then! This is important to me!

You know the most I've ever got up to on a forum before I came here was 500 odd. This is stellar!

I'm not at my main computer in order to look. Ask this time tomorrow night.

Ok, I shall. That will buy me some time to get some more in.

Do some with just smileys...

Whistling nnocently

I'm achey. And lonely. And sleepy. I shouldn't have gone into school today - not in a million years. Unimpressed

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 17 2008, 5:38 PM BST

I'm achey. And lonely. And sleepy. I shouldn't have gone into school today - not in a million years. Unimpressed


It's because I'm stoooopid, I know.

I would have said it's because you don't listen to me. But that's alright, too. Within the boundaries of this very specific subject.

I also got complained at by my teacher, and so a huge rant ensued at anyone and everyone who would listen/be texted. :(

Nothing wrong with a good old random rant. :)

Of course it's of no use at all, if you're not feeling better afterwards...

I'm feeling better afterwards, except for the fact that I have almost no voice left.

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