Agree with the Absolutely Fabulous thing, I never understood its hype.
Top 3 Over rated British sitcoms. Page 2
Which one is that? The soldiery one?
Hugh Laurie - Prince Regent

Father Ted
Absolutely Fabulous
The Good Life
Father Ted is underated. It is just brilliant and is fully deserving of its high praise.
Can't choose only three:
Absolutely Fabulous.
The Office.
The Mighty Boosh.
Only Fools and Horses.
Red Dwarf. (Possibly - have only seen series 1.)
Aaron has made me cry.
Quote: Nil Putters @ September 16 2008, 10:48 PM BSTHugh Laurie - Prince Regent
Flipping heck, that's the best one! Apart from the other one.
Quote: Jack Massey @ September 16 2008, 10:59 PM BSTFather Ted is underated. It is just brilliant and is fully deserving of its high praise.
Sorry, but you are wrong.
I hated how Absolutely Fabulous was so popular, back in the '90s.
Only Fools and Horses was great, up until the '96 Xmas special, and should've ended then.
Game on was way overrated, and seemed like it was written by 12-year-olds.
Fawlty Towers is probably the most overrated sitcom of all time. Yes, it's good, but no way is it the best Brit sitcom of all time, like a lot of people think it is. Stuff like Partridge, The Office, The Young Ones, Steptoe, Rising Damp, Blackadder, Father Ted, Spaced, Red Dwarf, shit, even Nathan Barley, were all funnier. The joke-rate of Fawlty is surprisingly low, when compared to these other shows.
I can tell this thread is going to make me veeeeery annoyed.
Quote: Aaron @ September 16 2008, 11:02 PM BSTCan't choose only three:
Red Dwarf. (Possibly - have only seen series 1.)
Series 3 to 5 are a significant improvement.
I didn't think six was too bad... but i didn't mind all of them to be fair!
But it never got beyond, it being about a bunch of blokes arguing.
Quote: Aaron @ September 16 2008, 11:02 PM BSTCan't choose only three:
Absolutely Fabulous.
The Office.
The Mighty Boosh.
Only Fools and Horses.
Red Dwarf. (Possibly - have only seen series 1.)
I will agree with Spaced, Ab fab and The boosh.. but The office was clever and witty with some great acting! it's just on a different level of comedy, Only fools is over played but not over rated! and Red dwarf as i just said isn't all that bad!
Quote: zooo @ September 16 2008, 11:03 PM BSTAaron has made me cry.
I almost said "Sorry zooo." as well.
Quote: catskillz @ September 16 2008, 11:09 PM BSTStuff like Partridge, The Office, The Young Ones, Steptoe, Rising Damp, Blackadder, Father Ted, Spaced, Red Dwarf, shit, even Nathan Barley, were all funnier.
Oh yeah, totally forgot The Young Ones. Would have said Partridge, but I've only seen a few episodes so don't feel it fair to judge.