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Quote: EllieJP @ September 16 2008, 10:03 AM BST

Oh well obviously in a hot sense he's not... but in a run for 45 minutes and not die way - he is!

I'm going to miss jogging. It's already starting to get cold over here.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 16 2008, 12:08 PM BST

I will upload the amazing picture of the school cat we took at break once I get them!

I'm ill again, by the way. :( How is this possible!?

That sucks dude.

Quote: EllieJP @ September 16 2008, 12:11 PM BST

You're like my receptionist - always ill! grrr

I've been into school though, and have just come home during free periods, so I'm not that bad!

Ah, okay! You're much better. :)

I thought that by being ill at the weekend, I'd managed to skip out on getting the sore throat that Andy had - but apparently not.


Laughing out loud Why...?


I'm about to have cereal for lunch. :(

I'm on the cereal for two meals a day diet... it's so boring. But at least I'm saving money!

:| I could never, *ever* cope with that.

I'm on rice with mushroom and spinach for lunch!

I'm on Lemsip at the moment, and I'm about to put the fire on. I apparently regress to being a neaderthal when I'm ill.
(Because of the fire, not because every cave was equipped with a stash of extensive Paracetemol-based products.)

Lemsip is no fun. Try some rum.

Me and my friends AQA'd whether sperm is good for a bad throat the other day. Apparently it isn't... so stop using that excuse boys!

Laughing out loud AQA is an exam board at school, so now I'm just imagining the potential biology papers resulting from Ellie's post.

"True or false..." :P


And now I will know the answer! I must transfer over from OCR...

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